Funny you mentioned it:
I got my first Facebook spanking today for insulting ISIS! At least I died onto the Gatling gun I was using. Used up the whole can. No prisoners!
I think a lot of my fellow Americans who said, Never forget, forgot.
They sure forgot.
But in education, they didn’t even care let alone forget. I’ve been in the battle since 1988, as a teacher then a parent then a teacher again.
Our side isn’t fighting this battle. It gave up decades ago. It gave up in the 70s when my oldest brother was fighting it.
My kids go to private, catholic, homeschool, it doesnt affect me blah blah blah. It affects all of us and the fabric of our society. Nobody really cares. My catholic k-8 and public high school kids turned out just fine so there’s that. But, I’ve been a teacher in an off mostly on since 1988 and it astounds me that parents and society in general have no clue what is being taught in our public (and private) schools. Read the Curriculum. And that’s just the beginning. But nobody really cares. And frankly, I’m tired of fighting when no one cares.In 8 years I’ll retire with my pension and medical benefits and probably afterschool my grandkids. But it probably won’t matter since their education, media will be slamming the agenda 24/7.
I’m so pissed off at conservatives for not fighting this for the last 70 years. Allowing our education system to be taken over by liberals as well as every other institution just pisses me off.WTF? How does that “it doesn’t affect me” work when it affects everyone?
So tomorrow, I’ll go to work at my school with my students and try to teach my curriculum content area and avoid the stupid bullshit. I’ll also try to ignore the disrespect and no back up because heaven forbid I try to discipline the students and provide a safe environment for the whole class...
What pisses me off the most is that the students are the ones who suffer the most: academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. None of this crap is for them! In fact, it limits them.
So, to all those who are going to or already homeschool their kids or those too old to care, sure keep doing that. But know it isn’t going to change an entire system, the education system that is affecting our society: politically, socially, economically, etc.
And frankly, most of these parents couldn’t homeschool their kids because they are stupid, dumb as rocks stupid. I will never understand how smart people gave our education system to the dumbest people on the planet.
Please tell us more. What did you say about ISIS that got you punished?