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To: Altura Ct.
And, what do you designate the crap on your sidewalks?
2 posted on
09/04/2019 6:18:16 AM PDT by
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to says it.)
To: Altura Ct.
There’s a couple blatant lies in there; maybe the NRA should sue.
3 posted on
09/04/2019 6:21:19 AM PDT by
(Repeal the 17th)
To: Altura Ct.
The San Francisco Pedophiles Against Guns organization weighs in...
5 posted on
09/04/2019 6:22:07 AM PDT by
(The Media & the DNC tells you who you're gonna vote for. We CHOSE Trump.)
To: Altura Ct.
Kalifornia has gone mad. Nothing short of an apocalypse will cure the disease that has destroyed the state. They need to be treated as a cancer on the body politic of the USA.
6 posted on
09/04/2019 6:22:13 AM PDT by
To: Altura Ct.
This is America if Democrats regain control. Yes, it’s that serious.
7 posted on
09/04/2019 6:22:43 AM PDT by
1Old Pro
To: Altura Ct.
The National Rifle Association...incite[s] gun owners to acts of violenceWhat?
8 posted on
09/04/2019 6:23:28 AM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire. Or both.)
To: Altura Ct.
San Francisco Supervisors Vote Unanimously to Designate NRA Domestic Terrorist Organization While antifa has the run of the city.
The next time I'm out there, if I wear my NRA Hat, will I be arrested as a terrorist?
9 posted on
09/04/2019 6:24:06 AM PDT by
The Sons of Liberty
('DEPLORABLE' Member of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy & Biden Dreg and DAMN Proud of it!.)
To: Altura Ct.
Broad daylight auto break-ins in front of the Japanese Tea Garden. Criminal derelicts left in control of public sidewalks to use as a toilet day and night. Murder rampant and unpunished. Public funds squandered. Fostering a culture that has more dogs than children.
Yeh, these are the Supervisors with authority there.
10 posted on
09/04/2019 6:25:45 AM PDT by
KC Burke
(If all the world is a stage, I would like to request my lighting be adjusted.)
To: Altura Ct.
Odd, that atheist Democrats hide behind ecclesiastical prohibitions to prevent eugenic solutions...
11 posted on
09/04/2019 6:27:29 AM PDT by
(First rule of the Dunning-Kruger Club is that you do not know you are in the Dunning-Kruger club.)
To: Altura Ct.
See, this is why I will never give up my firearms.
Like all leftists, political disagreement is TERRORISM to them, and they WILL kill you if you dare disagree.
Great job, San Freakshow. You just demonstrated the reason for the Second Amendment and for the NRA.
12 posted on
09/04/2019 6:27:40 AM PDT by
(We can be called a racist and we'll just smile. Because we don't care.)
To: Altura Ct.
This isn’t parody? So, my car with life NRA member sticker is not even more of a target in that filthy city? Am I a domestic terrorist by association?
13 posted on
09/04/2019 6:29:54 AM PDT by
(No Amnesty! No Catch-and-Release! Just Say No to All Illegal Aliens! Arrest & Deport!)
To: Altura Ct.
>>The National Rifle Association musters its considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and
incite gun owners to acts of violence I'm no lawyer, but that seems like an iron-clad case for libel.
14 posted on
09/04/2019 6:30:39 AM PDT by
(chown -R us ~you/base)
To: Altura Ct.
Lets say that you feel the place where you live is overcrowded.
How do you get rid of people?
Cant kill them.
Dont have enough money to pay all of them to move.
Heres how you do it.
You live behind walls and turn the area around you into a shirthole.
Then, when enough people have left, you move the people who make it a shirthole.
16 posted on
09/04/2019 6:35:08 AM PDT by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: Altura Ct.
Cool, I’m a terrorist since I’m a member!
But a second class one. After all, the NRA kills fewer children every year than Planned Parenthood
17 posted on
09/04/2019 6:35:59 AM PDT by
Fai Mao
(There is no rule of law in the US until The PIAPS is executed.)
To: Altura Ct.
That will make a nice defamation suit.
19 posted on
09/04/2019 6:39:14 AM PDT by
(If they are not for Trump, they are against him. Fire them.)
To: Altura Ct.
Since: No mass shooter has ever been an NRA member, and the NRA has universally and consistently condemned such actions:and Since: most mass shooters and known terrorists have been a member of and have praised Islam, and the "religion" of Islam has universally and consistently praised such actions,
Therefore San Francisco SUCKS
22 posted on
09/04/2019 6:41:57 AM PDT by
(combat vet, 2nd of 3 generations)
To: Altura Ct.
Will they put a Dead or Alive Bounty on NRA members ? D’oh
To: Altura Ct.
What projecting nitwits. LIBS are the penultimate terrorists having murdered 150,000,000 humans last century plus murdered tens of millions more through abortions. They are fascist ghouls . I bet these worthless “supervisors” enjoy the human feces on their sidewalks. Perverts.
24 posted on
09/04/2019 6:43:26 AM PDT by
hal ogen
(First Amendment or Reeducation Camp???)
To: Altura Ct.
Sounds like it’s time for a BIG lawsuit by the NRA.
To: Altura Ct.
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