I would rather spend 3 hours in line at the NYC Dept of Motor Vehicles in the middle of August. That said the comments on this thread are always top shelf!
The ninth circle of Hell in Dante’s inferno is reserved for traitors. Not making a judgement, but this is where the expressway for ‘Ol Joe is heading. Of note:
Joe Walsh is a certified Deadbeat dad. He was sued for 100K of back child support while donating 35K to his campaign. He was also thrown off the air in 2014 for screaming over an over ethnic slurs.
It will be interesting how the media will scrub the 1000s of pages they have written trashing his “tea party” status
Spread the deadbeat dad Joe Walsh moniker far and wide
Deadbeat Dad Joe- #deadbeatdadjoewalsh
Well add in Sanford and you have the clown car of idiots.
Despite their chiding and protestations, we ARE very "judgemental" and critical of the RATs and their RATagandist butt-kissers.