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To: BroJoeK
>>Kalamata: ">>Joe the Science Denier says,"
>>Joey said: You're still obeying Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7, I see.



>>Kalamata: "You believe God made man in his image?"
>>Joey said: "Yes.

And not in the image of apes? I am surprised.


>>Kalamata: "I am surprised. I though you believed in apes-to-man evolution."
>>Joey said: "That is the scientific explanation. I believe that whatever science may say, God was in charge of creation.

My rule of thumb is, there is a lot of bad science out there. It is better to acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways, than to trust in the craftiness of mere men.


>>Kalamata: "You are delusional, Joe. I have quoted Graur from time to time, but I have not agreed with him on anything since I learned the truth about evolutionism."
>>Joey said: So now you've forgotten your own lies? Do I have to go back & look it up for you? You used Graur to claim ENCODE disproved evolution!

You are lying again, Alinsky Joe. Dan Graur has repeatedly and vehemently denied that ENCODE disproved evolution. Why would I claim he did not?


>>Joey said: "Then you trashed both Graur and ENCODE in favor of a Swiss Institute of Bioinfomatics study which you say claimed 95% of DNA is "influenced" by... what... what was it influenced by? Yes, that's right, by evolution, you say! So already you've forgotten?

Either you are lying, or you don't understand what you read. I have never trashed ENCODE. They were the pioneers that led to the Swiss research conclusion, 6 years later. The scientific research went something like this:

Perhaps you would be better off debating something other than science, Alinsky Joe. May I suggest political science, or cooking?


>>Kalamata: "Are you getting senile, Alinsky Joe? You posted a picture of one of Graur's books... "
>>Joey said: "I never heard of Graur until you introduced him here. I simply assume from your outrageous attacks on him that he's probably an honorable & reasonable person.

Why did you take my statement out of context, Alinsky Joe? This is my full statement:

"Are you getting senile, Alinsky Joe? You posted a picture of one of Graur's books, he was the one of the primary interviewee of the 2017 New Scientist article you linked, and you have mentioned him on more than one occasion? In post #260 there was this exchange:

[Me] "I would say that Graur was none-to-happy with the results published by the consortium.”
[You] "Nor should he be, nor have we seen any response from ENCODE to Graur’s remarks."

You are exceptionally dishonest, Alinsky Joe. You can get away with those stunts with the unwashed masses, but not with me.


>>Kalamata: "You are dishonestly substituting the number based on the old myth for the new data. ENCODE's number is 80% and counting."
>>Joey said: "I'm just using your own quotes, did you already forget what you posted? None of your quotes from ENCODE claimed 80% of DNA is "constrained" or "restrained" or even "influenced" by evolution. ENCODE's numbers were 5% to 10% "constrained" by evolution. Your 95% number comes from a Swiss study, not ENCODE, and even the Swiss nowhere claimed 95% is "constrained" by evolution. Those are your posts, not mine."

You are thoroughly confused, Alinsky Joe. I am not even sure how to unpack that mess you wrote.

For everyone else, Joey is trapped in the past, when evolutionists could get away with speculating that 98.5% of the Human and Chimp genomes were similar by claiming most of the DNA was Junk, and could be ignored. Even Francis Collins, who was chosen to head the human genome project, was caught up in the rhetoric:

"Some of these may have been lost in one species or the other, but many of them remain in a position that is most consistent with their having arrived in the genome of a common mammalian ancestor, and having been carried along ever since. Of course, some might argue that these are actually functional elements placed there by the Creator for a good reason, and our discounting of them as”junk DNA” just betrays our current level of ignorance. And indeed, some small fraction of them may play important regulatory roles. But certain examples severely strain the credulity of that explanation.” [Collins, Francis, “The Language of God.” 2007, Gen 1:12, p.136]

Collins' statement was in harmony with the ENCODE pilot project report of 2007; but by 2015 (and based on the 2012 Encode report,) Collins had changed his tune, as quoted in this 2015 NYT article:

"In January, Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, made a comment that revealed just how far the consensus has moved. At a health care conference in San Francisco, an audience member asked him about junk DNA. “We don’t use that term anymore,” Collins replied. “It was pretty much a case of hubris to imagine that we could dispense with any part of the genome—as if we knew enough to say it wasn’t functional.” Most of the DNA that scientists once thought was just taking up space in the genome, Collins said, ‘turns out to be doing stuff.’” [Carl Zimmer, “Is Most of Our DNA Garbage?” New York Times, 2015]


>>Kalamata: "Alinsky is experiencing the problem all habitual liars eventually face: they cannot remember all of their lies... DNA research (and the fossil record) has shown Darwin to be a wild extrapolator of observable data into the mythical."
>>Joey said: "That is Kalamata obeying Denier Rules #1 & #6.



>>Kalamata quoting Thompkins 2015: "Only 69% of the chimpanzee X chromosome was similar to human and only 43% of the Y chromosome. Chimp autosomal similarity to human on average was 70.7%"
>>Joey said: "Your quote uses the term "similarity" when it's clearly referring to the kind of identical DNA found among humans. Similarity is a looser standard and it's how other researchers arrived at the ~98% similar number.

That is a really dumb of you, Alinsky Joe. The 98% number is the old, fabricated number, when evolutionists were promoting the Junk DNA myth.


>>Kalamata on ancient material dating techniques: "Prove it. Show us the data."
>>Joey said: "This site has a listing of both relative (22) and absolute (25) dating techniques.

Your first link, Wikipedia, explains that ancient dating methods require "previously established chronology." Where does that come from, other than from wild guesses?

We know that secular archaeologists cling vehemently to the fake timeline of Shoshenq = Biblical Shishak that was erroneously proposed by Champollion about 2 centuries ago. Using that timeline, they can claim that the excavated city of Jericho, which exists today exactly like the biblical narrative predicts, cannot possibly be the biblical Jericho because it doesn't match the Shoshenq=Shishak timeline. In other words, archeologists use a circular argument of a known biblical date (the ransacking of Jerusalem by Shishak) to "disprove" all previous dates. Slick, huh?


>>Joey said: "It does not even mention tree rings or ice cores, but this site does."

Barely. Dendrochronology (tree ring dating) is an inexact science. Besides, the oldest living tree, the Bristlecone Pine, is post-flood, so it is not much help to Bible deniers. Ice cores have also proven useless for dating, since the discovery of rapid deposition and non-annual layering.


>>Kalamata: "Let me rephrase my statement: you are a habitual liar."
>>Joey said: "That is Kalamata obeying Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7.



>>Kalamata: "You are a habitual liar, Alinsky Joe."
>>Joey said: "Those are your quotes, go back & read them yourself. Show us where ENCODE claims more than 5% to 10% of DNA is "constrained" by evolution.

The 2012 ENCODE report stated 80% is functional, which means 80% is constrained.


>>Kalamata: "The data agrees me. Consensus is the "refuge of scoundrels" (Crichton, 2003)."
>>Joey said: "You don't agree with your own data from ENCODE.

Of course my statements agree with ENCODE. I quote them directly to make certain there is no misunderstanding among scientists. If you were a scientist you would know that.


>>Kalamata: "No, you equivocated, or you simply do not know what you are talking about. I am leaning toward the latter."
>>Joey said: "You are leaning, as always, toward Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7.



>>Kalamata: "Funtional DNA is constrained:... Therefore in 2012, at least 80% was constrained:... That number is now about 95%. In other words, Human evolution is a myth."
>>Joey said: "None of your quotes from ENCODE say 80% of DNA is "constrained" by evolution.

If it is functional, it is constrained.


>>Joey said: "This is your own quote, post #239:
>>Kalamata: "Current estimates looking at comparisons of many related mammalian genomes have shown that about ~9% of the human genome is under some selective restraint with 5% being highly conserved and another 4% being conserved in a lineage dependant manner. The rest can be assaulted by random mutationh little effect.” [Wallis & Rhiannon, “Junk DNA, Bunk.” Synthetic Duo, Jan 24, 2016]"

That was a quote from an article that resorted to Graur's chicanery as "evidence", and only to point to a possible source of a phrase that Tomkins used (e.g. restrained vs. constrained). Why did you take my words out of context? Habit?

This is the full context:


>>Joe the Denier says, “First of all, the word is “constrained”, not “restrained”.

>>Kalamata: "Jeffrey Tomkins used that phrase in his article (above), but added quotes. It is possible he took the phrase from this blog post that was based on the work of Dan Graur, Alexander F. Palazzo and T. Ryan Gregory, in which the authors state that human genome is under “selective restraint”:

>>Kalamata: "The relevance of this to junk DNA is that most of the human genome (~90%) accumulates mutations in this way and that the effective historic size of the human population is small, close to 10’000 which means much of the genome changes unnoticed by natural selection, including viral insertions and other indels. These change the size of the human genome, usually by making it larger than it needs to be. Other research on genome conservation has largely confirmed the predictions of neutral theory. Current estimates looking at comparisons of many related mammalian genomes have shown that about ~9% of the human genome is under some selective restraint, with 5% being highly conserved and another 4% being conserved in a lineage dependant manner. The rest can be assaulted by random mutation with little effect.” [Wallis & Rhiannon, “Junk DNA, Bunk.” Synthetic Duo, Jan 24, 2016]

>>Kalamata: "

>>Kalamata: "I have seen the phase in other papers.


Why do you continue to obsfuscate, Alinsky Joe? You have already been exposed as scientifically-challenged?


>>Joey said: "So who is it that found 95%?

>>Joey quoted my quote: "What we find is that less than 5% of the human genome can actually be considered as ‘neutral’”, says Fanny Pouyet, lead author of the study. “This is a striking finding: it means that 95% of the genome is indirectly influenced by functional sites, which themselves represent only 10% to 15% of the genome”, she concludes. These functional sites encompass both genes and regions involved in gene regulation.” [”A Genome Under Influence: The faulty yardstick in genomics studies and how to cope with it.” Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, October 9, 2018]"

>>Joey said: Note again what the Swiss (not ENCODE) are saying: 95% of DNA is "influenced" by "functional sites" which themselves are only 10% to 15% of DNA.

LOL! Think of the two as your arm and fingers, Joey. Your functional arm muscles influence your fingers. Are your fingers functional, or non-functional? Can your fingers be functional without your arm? No. Can your arm be functional without your fingers? Maybe.


>>Joey said: "Nowhere in your quotes do the Swiss, or ENCODE, or Collins or Graur claim that more than 15% of DNA is "constrained" or "restrained" or even "influenced" by evolution. This is your quote from Thompkins:

>>Joey quoted my quote: "It was discovered that, at most, only 5% of the human genome could randomly evolve and not be subject to the alleged forces of selection. Fanny Pouyet, the lead author of the published study stated, ‘What we find is that less than 5% of the human genome can actually be considered as ‘neutral.’’ Oops, so much for human evolution!…" [Jeffrey P. Tomkins, “95% of Human Genome Can’t Evolve.” Institute for Creation Research, 2018]"

>>Joey said: "First of all, we need to notice that Thompkins here, like Kalamata, is trying to tell us that since supposedly 95% of DNA is "subject to..." evolution, that somehow proves there is no evolution! Second, your quote from Pouyet does not say 95% is "constrained" by evolution, only that it is "influenced" by functional DNA. No quote I've seen claims more than 15% of DNA is "constrained" by evolution.

Functional means constrained, or conserved, or restrained. Non-functional means it is free to evolve. Pouyet found that only 5% can randomly evolve. Doing the math, we find that 100% - 5% = 95% that cannot evolve = 95% is constrained.

Did you miss the Fay & Wu article I quoted?

"Functional DNA sequences should be conserved over time and shared among closely related species, whereas nonfunctional or neutral sequences are free to change. This approach has been particularly useful for identifying protein coding sequences within a genome and will hopefully be as useful in identifying functional noncoding sequences." [Fay & Wu, "Sequence divergence, functional constraint and selection in protein evolution." Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, Vol.4; September, 2003, pp.213-214]

You really should stick to politics, Joey, or perhaps cooking.


>>Kalamata: "Deplorables are not Science Deniers, Alinsky Joe. Maybe you can grab the coattails of the holocaust deniers."
>>Joey said: "That is Kalamata obeying Denier Rules #2, #5, #6, #7 & #8.



>>Kalamata: "Kalamata: "To set the record straight, I have agreed with ENCODE's data since I first read about it. I disagree with Graur on everything he says about ENCODE."
>>Joey said: "To set the record straight: Kalamata agrees with Graur when Graur said: for ENCODE to be right, evolution must be wrong.

You are obfuscationing, Alinsky Joe. I quoted the article in which Graur made that statement, or was quoted as saying it, and I agreed only on part of his statement when taken out of his context:

"We read the paper, and looked over Graur’s accompanying PowerPoint. We’re not impressed by theoretical population genetics because it is based on neo-Darwinian assumptions rather than biological realities. Basically, he is using that circular science to add a quantitative gloss to his fundamental position, namely that if ENCODE is right then evolution is wrong, and evolution can’t be wrong, so ENCODE can’t be right.” [”Dan Graur, Anti-ENCODE Crusader, Is Back.” Evolution News & Science Today, July 28, 2017]”

As any normal person can see, I agree 100% that ENCODE is right and evolution is wrong, but that is not Graur's context. Graur believes ENCODE is wrong, therefore I am not in agreement with him; and anyone claiming I agree with Graur on that point is lying (hint, Alinsky Joe.)

For the record, evolution is 100% false, with our without the ENCODE data.


>>Joey said: "To set the record straight: no quote from Kalamata shows ENCODE agreeing with claims that 80% or 95% of DNA is "constrained" or "restrained" or even "influenced" by evolution.

LOL! You are a hopeless case, Joey.


>>Kalamata: "You have been hanging around with the wrong crowd, Alinsky Joe. Evolutionism is a dead religion, propped up only by the deceptions of the high priesthood."
>>Joey said: "That is Kalamata obeying Denier Rules #2, #5, #6, #7 & #8.



>>"Kalamata: "This may be a difficult concept for you, Alinsky Joe, but the Bible merely confirms the data."
>>Joey said: "The Bible does not even confirm Kalamata's theology, much less natural science. What the Bible intends to show is God's creation of and mastery over the natural realm.

Joe's theology is similar to that of the constitutional usurpers Jefferson warned us about:

"On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." [Letter to William Johnson, from Monticello, June 12, 1823, in Appleby & Ball, "Thomas Jefferson: Political Writings." Cambridge University Press, 1999, p.455]

Joey's version of science must be squeezed out of the biblical text, or invented against it. The actual words of the Bible, themselves, are meaningless, to Joey.


>>"Kalamata: "Where is the cryptologist when you need him?"
>>Joey said: "I'll need another rule for that response, Rule #11: when your lies are exposed, pretend ignorance. That makes "Declare Victory" rule #12.



>>"Kalamata: "Are you admitting that you believe the absence of evidence is evidence, or are you admitting you haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about?"
>>Joey said: "Neither.

No, both! LOL!


>>"Kalamata: "Now, if we can only get Alinsky Joe to admit that he is scientifically-challenged, we can put this hoax of his to rest."
>>Joey said: "That is Denier Rules #5, #6 & now #12 (Declare Victory).


Mr. Kalamata

333 posted on 09/04/2019 1:51:18 PM PDT by Kalamata (BIBLE RESEARCH TOOLS:
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier post 333: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

This from the poster who cannot bring himself to disobey even one Rule for Deniers.

390 posted on 09/12/2019 3:09:31 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Kalamata: " My rule of thumb is, there is a lot of bad science out there.
It is better to acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways, than to trust in the craftiness of mere men. "

That's an excellent rule, but there's nothing "crafty" about evolution theory.
It's simply a reasonable natural explanation for volumes of data, and there are no others.

391 posted on 09/12/2019 3:58:30 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: "You are lying again, Alinsky Joe.
Dan Graur has repeatedly and vehemently denied that ENCODE disproved evolution.
Why would I claim he did not? "

You can't keep track of you own lies, and need me to look them up for you?
Oooh Kay.

Your post #162, you used Graur to trash ENCODE:

392 posted on 09/12/2019 4:17:13 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: " Either you are lying, or you don't understand what you read.
I have never trashed ENCODE. "

You agreed with Graur's attack on ENCODE.
You also claimed that ENCODE agrees that 80% or 95% of DNA is somehow "constrained" or "restrained" or "influenced" by evolution

And this, you claimed, proves there's no evolution.

The fact is you've posted nothing from ENCODE suggesting more than ~10% of DNA is "constrained" by evolution.

393 posted on 09/12/2019 4:29:00 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Dishonest Danny Denier: "Are you getting senile, Alinsky Joe?
You posted a picture of one of Graur's books, he was the one of the primary interviewee of the 2017 New Scientist article you linked, and you have mentioned him on more than one occasion?
In post #260 there was this exchange:

[Me] "I would say that Graur was none-to-happy with the results published by the consortium.”
[You] "Nor should he be, nor have we seen any response from ENCODE to Graur’s remarks."

You are exceptionally dishonest, Alinsky Joe.
You can get away with those stunts with the unwashed masses, but not with me."

I've posted nothing dishonest, your frequent claims otherwise notwithstanding.
In this case I simply googled up quotes to support my point and apparently Graur's was one.
You then attacked Graur as if he were your personal nemesis, and that is what I responded to.

So clearly what's going on here is that Dishonest Danny has lost track of your own lies and naturally wish to project dishonesty onto yours truly.

That's your use of Denier Rule #5.

394 posted on 09/12/2019 4:45:36 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: " You are thoroughly confused, Alinsky Joe.
I am not even sure how to unpack that mess you wrote. "

No, I'm not in the least confused, am simply quoting back your own posts to you.
Somehow that drives Kalamata into paroxysms of angry accusations.

So I'll give you some clues, I'm going to help you out, FRiend.
You can clear up all your own confusion, you can defeat my argument and win a very rare "attaboy" from yours truly, if you'll just do this:

No denier rules are necessary, just produce the quotes.
395 posted on 09/12/2019 5:02:29 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: " At a health care conference in San Francisco, an audience member asked him about junk DNA.
“We don’t use that term anymore,” Collins replied. “It was pretty much a case of hubris to imagine that we could dispense with any part of the genome—as if we knew enough to say it wasn’t functional.”
Most of the DNA that scientists once thought was just taking up space in the genome, Collins said, ‘turns out to be doing stuff.’”

[Carl Zimmer, “Is Most of Our DNA Garbage?” New York Times, 2015] "

Sorry, that's close but no cigar.
Saying certain DNA alleles have "function" is not the same as saying we know what those functions are, or that Collins agrees virtually all DNA is "constrained" by evolution.
Or that such "constraint" somehow disproves evolution!

Of course, all of that might well prove true, but so far here only Danny Denier claims it.

396 posted on 09/12/2019 5:27:21 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: "That is a really dumb of you, Alinsky Joe.
The 98% number is the old, fabricated number, when evolutionists were promoting the Junk DNA myth."

98% is based on certain assumptions.
Change the assumptions, you change the percent.

But here's what never changes, regardless of assumptions: no living creature is more closely related by DNA than chimps & bonobos.

398 posted on 09/13/2019 4:36:56 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: "Your first link, Wikipedia, explains that ancient dating methods require "previously established chronology."
Where does that come from, other than from wild guesses?"

"Previously established chronology" can come from pretty much anywhere, historical documents for example.

Danny Denier: "Using that timeline, they can claim that the excavated city of Jericho, which exists today exactly like the biblical narrative predicts, cannot possibly be the biblical Jericho because it doesn't match the Shoshenq=Shishak timeline/
In other words, archeologists use a circular argument of a known biblical date (the ransacking of Jerusalem by Shishak) to "disprove" all previous dates.
Slick, huh?"

Settlements at ancient Jericho start back circa 9,000 BC, using carbon-14 absolute dating, with many levels, some destroyed by earthquakes, some by fire.
Excavations of Jericho began with Warren in 1868, Sellin & Watzinger in 1906, Garstang in 1930, Kenyon in 1952, Nigro & Marchetti in 1997 and Yasine since 2015.
One major destruction at Jericho has been dated to 1500 BC, which some Biblical scholars say doesn't match its chronology.

Others say it does.

399 posted on 09/13/2019 6:20:20 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: "Dendrochronology (tree ring dating) is an inexact science.
Besides, the oldest living tree, the Bristlecone Pine, is post-flood, so it is not much help to Bible deniers."

In fact, tree rings can be an exact science for people who know how to count.
Estimates can be necessary when ancient trees are found buried in an archaeological site.
But if the site itself can be dated by, for example, historical documents (think Pompey & Vesuvius) then tree rings can be measured, matched & counted backwards.

Wet years & dry years are recorded in tree rings and these can be "wiggle matched" across different samples, etc.

Danny Denier: "Ice cores have also proven useless for dating, since the discovery of rapid deposition and non-annual layering."

Mythological problems, suitable for denier purposes only.
In fact:

Ten different ways to use ice cores in dating ancient events & conditions.
418 posted on 09/15/2019 7:05:11 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier: "The 2012 ENCODE report stated 80% is functional, which means 80% is constrained."

Says Danny Denier, but not ENCODE.
According to your own quotes, ENCODE says no more than ~10% of human DNA is "constrained" by... by... by... what?
By evolution.

And Danny Denier tells us this is proof positive there is no evolution.

Danny Denier: "Of course my statements agree with ENCODE.
I quote them directly to make certain there is no misunderstanding among scientists.
If you were a scientist you would know that."

And yet you've never posted quotes from ENCODE agreeing with you that 80% of DNA is "constrained" or "conserved" by... by... right, by evolution!

Danny Denier: "If it is functional, it is constrained."

A claim not supported by any quote from Danny Denier.

Danny Denier: "Why do you continue to obsfuscate, Alinsky Joe?
You have already been exposed as scientifically-challenged?"

Why do you continue to lie, Danny Denier?
You have already been exposed as truth-challenged.

Danny Denier: "LOL! Think of the two as your arm and fingers, Joey. "

I'll have to add your response here as yet another Denier Rule, Danny's 3 D's: divert, distract & dissemble.

Danny Denier: "Functional means constrained, or conserved, or restrained.
Non-functional means it is free to evolve.
Pouyet found that only 5% can randomly evolve.
Doing the math, we find that 100% - 5% = 95% that cannot evolve = 95% is constrained."

Nowhere does any Denier quote necessarily equate "functional" and "constrained", they are two separate issues.
Further the claim of 95% "functional" is totally bogus because the quote actually says 95% in some way "influenced by" "functional" DNA which itself is circa 10%.

No Danny Denier quote has claimed 95% of DNA is "constrained" or "conserved" by evolution, or that this would somehow make evolution impossible.

Danny Denier: "Did you miss the Fay & Wu article I quoted?

First, "should be" means theoretically, not what's actually been observed.
Second, that quote does not say 95% of DNA is either "functional" or "conserved" by evolution and Danny's failure, after all this time, to post such a quote suggests you are drawing conclusions far beyond what the data allows.

Further, we now have a whole menagerie of Danny-terms which may, or may not apply to the same physical conditions:

  1. "evolutionary constraint"
  2. "selective restraint"
  3. "highly conserved"
  4. "conserved in a lineage dependent manner"
  5. "influenced"
  6. "non-neutral"
  7. "background selection"
  8. "biased gene conversion"
  9. "bias demographic inferences"
Nowhere in Danny's quotes are such terms defined or necessarily equated.

Danny Denier: "As any normal person can see, I agree 100% that ENCODE is right and evolution is wrong, but that is not Graur's context.
Graur believes ENCODE is wrong, therefore I am not in agreement with him; and anyone claiming I agree with Graur on that point is lying (hint, Alinsky Joe.)"

Nonsense, your dissembling here notwithstanding, you agree 100% with Graur that for ENCODE to be right, evolution is wrong.
But you also claim ENCODE said 80% of DNA is "constrained" or "conserved" by evolution, though no quote you've posted supports that directly.

Then Pouyet's Swiss Institute report found that 95% of DNA is "influenced" by what... by evolution?
No, not by evolution, they said, but rather by other functional DNA, which itself makes up circa 10%.

Seriously, Danny boy, for all I know you may well have legitimate quotes which say exactly what you claim here.
But so far I haven't seen them.

Danny Denier: "For the record, evolution is 100% false, with our without the ENCODE data."

Right, for the record, Danny boy agrees with Graur that for ENCODE to be right, evolution must be false, but disagrees with ENCODE that evolution is right.

Got that?

Danny Denier: "LOL! You are a hopeless case, Joey."

That is DD's slavish obedience to Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7.

Danny Denier: "Joe's theology is similar to that of the constitutional usurpers Jefferson warned us about::"

That's nothing more than DD's use of Denier Rule: divert, distract & dissemble.

Danny Denier: "Joey's version of science must be squeezed out of the biblical text, or invented against it.
The actual words of the Bible, themselves, are meaningless, to Joey."

Just more of DD's use of Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7.

419 posted on 09/15/2019 9:23:32 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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To: Kalamata
Based on Kalamata's many outrageous responses to my very reasonable posts, I've had to "revise & extend" my derived "Rules for Deniers" now several times.
So here is the latest updated list, first posted in #272 and #316:

Rules for Deniers
  1. Rule #1: First, foremost & always: ignore all data which contradicts your own claims.

  2. Rule #2: Never accept normal word definitions, redefine any words to suit your own denial purposes, no need to be specific.

  3. Rule #3: Begin your presentation with a large collection of quotes & references -- some meticulously sourced, others mis-quotes, out of context & dubious provenance.

  4. Rule #4: Attack, attack, attack at your opponent's weakest arguments.
    Equate defeat on his weakest points to defeat on every point -- "wrong on one = wrong on all."

  5. Rule #5: Accuse, accuse, accuse your opponent of whatever you're most guilty.
    For examples, call him a denier, call science a religion, etc.

  6. Rule #6: If you have to lie, lie big and repeat your lie endlessly, never back down.
    Remember, for propaganda purposes a lie repeated boldly & often enough becomes true!

  7. Rule #7: OK to personally insult, disparage & malign.

  8. Rule #8: Guilt by association: if your opponent knows somebody who was wrong about something, then he is wrong about everything!

  9. Rule #9: When all else fails, remember rule #1.

  10. Rule #10: Shift the Burden of Proof to your opponent -- whatever you claim, no matter how ridiculous, demand your opponent "prove" it false.

  11. Rule #11: When your lies are exposed, pretend ignorance.

  12. Rule #12: When your lies are exposed, use the 3-Ds: divert, distract & dissemble.

  13. Rule #13: Final Rule, when you've been totally defeated, when your lies are exposed, when your "logic" is revealed as nonsense, when nothing you say is believable, then Declare Total Victory!
    Announce that your side has already won and your despicable opponents are fading into history, nothing is left of their arguments but your victory dance in their football end zone.

420 posted on 09/15/2019 9:24:22 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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