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To: BroJoeK
The Enlightenment?

>>Kalamata quoting Rupke 1983: "These Scottish writers argued..."
>>Joe says, "The time period for this quote is apparently early 1800s, which is still within influence by Age of Enlightenment thinkers.

You mean, the Age of "Dark Reasoners", don't you?


>>Joe says, "Note specifically the reason for separation of science & scripture is not lack of faith."

That is what they claimed; but every "good" politician has a tool called "name-dropping" in his bag of tricks.


>>Kalamata: "Make note of the part that explains the foolish "Separation of Science and the Bible" sham was still in the developmental stage in the late 1700's and early 1800's. It is a Johnny-Come-Lately sham that has corrupted rather than advanced science."
>>Joe says, "I disagree with your words of disparagement, but agree that this is perhaps a critical point at which natural-science and religion parted ways. But it was very far from the first or only time -- see Galileo in 1633.

You are greatly deceived. The "Separation of Science and the Bible" sham reinstalled the type of scientific orthodoxy that threatened Galileo, which now hinders the advancement of science, world-wide, while suppressing those who oppose their worldview.


>>Joe says, "Indeed, the ancient Church Fathers themselves well understood that there are limits to which the Bible can be applied scientifically. Here is St. Augustine of Hippo, circa 400 AD in words sounding like they were written just yesterday: . . .

He was not a scientist; but if you insist on using him as a reference, you should first know that he was a young earth creationist:

"In the creation God finished His works in six days, and rested on the seventh. The history of the world contains six periods marked by the dealings of God with men. The first period is from Adam to Noah; the second, from Noah to Abraham; the third, from Abraham to David; the fourth, from David to the captivity in Babylon; the fifth, from the captivity to the advent of lowliness of our Lord Jesus Christ; the sixth is now in progress, and will end in the coming of the exalted Saviour to judgment." [Augustine, Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, in Schaff, Philip, "Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Ser 1 Vol 04." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887, Book XII.8, p.185]

"As to those who are always asking why man was not created during these countless ages of the infinitely extended past, and came into being so lately that, according to Scripture, less than 6000 years have elapsed since He began to be, I would reply to them regarding the creation of man, just as I replied regarding the origin of the world to those who will not believe that it is not eternal, but had a beginning, which even Plato himself most plainly declares, though some think his statement was not consistent with his real opinion. If it offends them that the time that has elapsed since the creation of man is so short, and his years so few according to our authorities, let them take this into consideration, that nothing that has a limit is long, and that all the ages of time being finite, are very little, or indeed nothing at all, when compared to the interminable eternity." [Augustine, City of God, in Schaff, Philip, "Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Ser 1 Vol 02." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886, Book XII.12, p.233]

He denounced old-earthism, calling those who embraced it, "deceived":

"They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6,000 years have yet passed." [Augustine, City of God, in Schaff, Philip, "Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Ser 1 Vol 02." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886, Book XII.10, p.232]


>>Kalamata: "am very familiar with how the atheists hijacked the definition of science from real scientists."
>>Joe says, "They were, according to your own quote, not "atheists" and theologians never claimed to be "real scientists".

Theologians routinely claim to be real scientists. A few examples are, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Richard Lewontin.


>>Joe says, "In fact scientists then were like our Enlightenment Era Founding Fathers -- Christian believers, some leaning towards deism, but none were atheists.

Many scientists were and are young earth creationists.


>>Kalamata: "It is your atheistic religion of evolutionism that is destroying western civilization. In the meantime, it has led to the holocaust, eugenics, abortion, virulent racism, and 4 of the most blood-thirsty dictators in the history of the world."
>>Joe says, "Destroying" Western Civilization since the time of our Founding Fathers? And you wish to return us to which pre-Enlightenment era?

No matter how much you try to attach your religion of evolutionism to the coattails of the Founding Fathers, it is going to be a hard sell. We are already back in the "Dark Ages" as a society, in part because of evolutionism.


>>Joe says, "As for blood-thirsty tyrants, there've been plenty throughout history, and no scientific theory was ever needed to push them into evil.

Are you saying you do not believe in the Darwinist roots of the holocaust? If you had actually read that book of Shermer's – the one you keep name-dropping -- you would know that Shermer explains the role of Darwinism in the holocaust:

"The racial theories of social Darwinism gave the Nazis and others the scientific sanction they needed to make their racist ideology seem wholly rational and their actions justifiable in defense against what they considered to be a real threat to their nation and their culture." [Shermer & Grobman, "Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It." University of California Press, Rev Ed, 2009, p.227]

Shermer quoted a significant chunk of Mein Kampf to justify that statement.


>>Kalamata: "Why did you say that I claimed God was "merely 'natural'"? What's the matter with you? Don't you know how to tell the truth?"
>>Joe says, "So now you're going to lie your way out of your lies by telling more lies? How does that even work? >>Joe says, "You claimed God is natural, I called you on it and now you wish to lie your way out of it.

You are lying like Bill Clinton by misquoting me and taking my statement out of context. This is my statement:

"There is nothing more natural than our creator, and his creation."

The words "more natural" are NOT the same as "merely natural", nor will they ever be.

For the record, that was in response to your dismissal of God and his church and their role in the advancement of Western Civilization, while promoting pagan philosophers, in your never-ending quest to redefine God's creation as "natural processes", which is a clever way of saying "godless". I simply responded to your attempt at rewriting history,

BTW, angels have nature. God, rather than taking on the nature of angels, took on the nature of a man. That sounds pretty natural to me:

"For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted." -- Heb 2:16-18 KJV

As you can see, you don't get to define God. He can do as he pleases, and be anything he pleases, including being "natural."


>>Joe says, "God, by traditional Western definition is supernatural -- He created the natural, but it is not Him. I think the analogy of a house-as-nature is perfectly acceptable: God designed & built the house, God lives in the house but He is not the house. The house has heat & A/C which comes on automatically but God can override those controls when it suits Him. Indeed, if or when the time comes God can modify or destroy the old house and build Himself another. Science studies the house and it's controls but knows nothing of Him who built & lives here.



>>Kalamata: "The so-called "Age of Enlightenment" turned out to be more of a darkening."
>>Joe says, "We are children of the Enlightenment."

That should be called "The Darkening" since the days of Charlie & Charlie, perhaps before. Besides, the Renaissance played a greater role in the origin of modern science; and those men rejected "enlightenment" type arguments against political and religious traditions.


>>Joe says, "Our Founding Fathers were the Enlightenment Era's leading political figures, the jewel it its crown, our Declaration and Constitution are two of the era's greatest documents.

You have been exaggerating the influence of the enlightenment figures on the Founding Fathers. The founders secured the idea of "due process" from a 15th century pre-enlightenment document, which included both personal liberty and the rights to property. In general, the protections in the Bill of Rights are pre-enlightenment.

The "Enlightenment" crowd these days seem to be Marxists and other anti-nationalists, though they seem to be as least as driven toward destroying our traditional morality as they are our national borders.


>>Joe says, "We on Free Republic are the conservatives here to preserve, as best we can, their ideals, their visions, their Constitution and their Christian faith."

That is why I am here. One way to promote our Constitution and Christian faith is to get evolution and the ACLU out of our classrooms.

Mr. Kalamata

303 posted on 08/22/2019 11:25:07 PM PDT by Kalamata (BIBLE RESEARCH TOOLS:
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To: Kalamata
Kalamata: "You mean, the Age of "Dark Reasoners", don't you?"

No, because we are children of the Enlightenment.
Founders like Franklin, Jefferson & Madison were among its greatest minds, George Washington was its greatest leader, our Declaration and Constitution among its greatest political documents.
The Enlightenment was a shining moment in history, when minds had finally escaped the clutches of a highly restrictive Church and before they soon-enough slid under the controls of even more destructive secular ideologies, i.e., Marxism, totalitarianism, etc.
The Enlightenment corresponded to the beginnings of the scientific and industrial revolutions.

We are here to defend our Founders' ideals, which are the Enlightenment ideals, and they include all the traditional Western philosophical concepts, including God, nature and mankind.
The Age of Enlightenment ended far too soon in what we call the "Romantic Era", Age of Revolutions and Modern Era beginning just as our Founders were passing, in the early to mid 1800s.

I gather from your posts that Kalamata has a problem with Enlightenment leaders and thinking, but I can't figure out just why...

Kalamata on Enlightenment religious beliefs: "That is what they claimed; but every "good" politician has a tool called "name-dropping" in his bag of tricks."

Sure, anybody can cynically mock the values of others and point out their failures to match ideals with actions.
But there's no hint during the Enlightenment that men like our Founders didn't take their own ideals very seriously.

Kalamata: "You are greatly deceived. The "Separation of Science and the Bible" sham reinstalled the type of scientific orthodoxy that threatened Galileo, which now hinders the advancement of science, world-wide, while suppressing those who oppose their worldview."

Sorry, but that's pure propaganda.
In fact, Galileo was a scientist suppressed by the Church because his ideas didn't match their interpretations of the Bible -- just as you and Tour would suppress modern science because it doesn't match your own interpretations of the Bible.

Your claim to be the "real science" is pure unadulterated bunk, because you are, in fact, theology masquerading as science.

Kalamata on St. Augustine of Hippo: "He was not a scientist; but if you insist on using him as a reference, you should first know that he was a young earth creationist:"

St. Augustine was the greatest of the early Church theologians, one of the first to be called Doctor of the Church.
He made no pretense of being a scientist, as we understand that word, and he had no reason to think the Bible didn't correspond to scientific evidence.
But he did fully understand that some people could take the Bible's words out of context, misunderstand their intentions and present them to the world as if the Bible were talking nonsense.

Augustine opposed that.

Kalamata: "He denounced old-earthism, calling those who embraced it, "deceived":"

In your quote, Augustine opposed "mendacious documents", he knew nothing of scientific evidence.
But Augustine's views are absolutely correct in this respect, from your quotes:

Or, as Psalms 90:4 says: A thousand years, a billion years, a trillion years -- all of no consequence to the Infinite God.

Kalamata: "Theologians routinely claim to be real scientists.
A few examples are, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Richard Lewontin."

And that is pure propaganda, Denier Rule #2.

Kalamata: "Many scientists were and are young earth creationists."

Every scientist regardless is entitled to his or her religious & theological beliefs, but those, by definition, are not science.

Kalamata: "No matter how much you try to attach your religion of evolutionism to the coattails of the Founding Fathers, it is going to be a hard sell.
We are already back in the "Dark Ages" as a society, in part because of evolutionism."

No, no, I'm not trying to "sell" attaching evolution to our Founders -- whatever real burdens they do carry (i.e., slavery), evolution is not one of them.
I am "selling" the traditional idea that, what our Founders called "natural philosophy" or "natural science" has its roots in ancient philosophy (i.e., Aristotle) and theology (i.e., St. Augustine of Hippo) and is the beginnings of modern science.

I'm also telling you, factually, that Charles Darwin was a child of the Enlightenment and was raised in its traditions, including the study of natural science.
Of course, you may claim Darwin went astray from those traditions, which were at the very least Deistic, but Darwin himself never admitted to being atheistic and did life-long support his family's church.

Kalamata: "Are you saying you do not believe in the Darwinist roots of the holocaust?
If you had actually read that book of Shermer's – the one you keep name-dropping -- you would know that Shermer explains the role of Darwinism in the holocaust:"

So now, after first attacking Shermer mercilessly and very unfairly, suddenly Shermer is your hero?
How did that happen?

Notice Shermer's key words here, "social Darwinism": Bottom line, there's no possibility Darwin himself would have supported the Holocaust.
As important, whatever "Social Darwinism" Nazis employed against Jews was just one ideological weapon among many.

So, in my previous analogy: blaming Darwin for the Holocaust is like blaming 9/11 on the breakfast those terrorists ate.

Kalamata: "Shermer quoted a significant chunk of Mein Kampf to justify that statement."

But nowhere in Mein Kampf does Hitler mention Darwin, natural selection or evolution in the context of natural selection.
Instead, Hitler tells us his violent anti-Semitism began from his experiences in the Christian Social Party.
Shermer well knows that violent anti-Semitism in Europe generally and Germany specifically did not begin with 20th century Nazis, but dates back many centuries.

Kalamata quoting himself: ""There is nothing more natural than our creator, and his creation."
The words "more natural" are NOT the same as "merely natural", nor will they ever be."

Sorry, but if you'd said "God is more than natural," you'd be correct, but now you're just piling one more lie atop the others.
Stop it!
Back away from it, it's deadly heresy regardless of how much you try to qualify & sugar coat it, it's simply false.
You're trying to make a point which is impossible and ultimately insane.

The theological truth is, by ancient Biblical exegesis and traditional Western philosophy, God is super-natural, not "natural".
God is not "Gaia" (Mother Earth), God is not Pele (Hawaiian volcano).
God existed before the Universe and outside the Universe, the Universe is His Creation and a home.
Nature's scientific "laws" and processes are God's, but they are not Him.
Again my analogy of the architect and builder of a home.
We can study a home to learn the "mind of the Architect", but the home itself is not His mind.

So you need to abandon the idea that God is less than supernatural.

Kalamata: "For the record, that was in response to your dismissal of God and his church and their role in the advancement of Western Civilization, while promoting pagan philosophers, in your never-ending quest to redefine God's creation as "natural processes", which is a clever way of saying "godless". "

Total lies, not a word of that true.
Obviously, you're hoping to lie your way out of your own ridiculous heresies.

Kalamata: "BTW, angels have nature. God, rather than taking on the nature of angels, took on the nature of a man.
That sounds pretty natural to me:"

Sure, but no Biblical scholar I've heard of, not even heretics, claimed Christ was only natural.
The Bible clearly demonstrates His super-natural powers, even while in human form.

Kalamata: "As you can see, you don't get to define God.
He can do as he pleases, and be anything he pleases, including being "natural." "

I've never "defined" God and you don't get to redefine Him.
I simply take understandings of Him from the Bible and Church Fathers.
Even as a "natural" man, Christ had supernatural powers.
No believer I know of has ever claimed otherwise.

Kalamata: "Gobbledygook."

Here's your problem -- what I've posted is totally consistent with traditional Western & Christian theology.
What you're suggesting is something quite different and alien.

Kalamata: "That should be called "The Darkening" since the days of Charlie & Charlie, perhaps before."

Darwin was a child of the Enlightenment, born at its tail end, in 1808.
Darwin grew up in the "Romantic Era" which followed.

Kalamata: "Besides, the Renaissance played a greater role in the origin of modern science; and those men rejected "enlightenment" type arguments against political and religious traditions."

The Renaissance was an age of scientific inquiry and conflict with traditional Church theology.
Scientists like Galileo were persecuted by Church authorities who couldn't reconcile Galileo's findings with their understanding of the Bible.
Authorities who believed like Kalamata today.

Kalamata: "You have been exaggerating the influence of the enlightenment figures on the Founding Fathers.
The founders secured the idea of "due process" from a 15th century pre-enlightenment document, which included both personal liberty and the rights to property.
In general, the protections in the Bill of Rights are pre-enlightenment."

The word "Enlightenment" is largely defined by the contributions of our Founders.
So you cannot trash the Enlightenment without trashing them too.
And if your intention, consciously or subconsciously, is to trash our Founders, then you don't belong posting on Free Republic, FRiend.

Kalamata: "The "Enlightenment" crowd these days seem to be Marxists and other anti-nationalists, though they seem to be as least as driven toward destroying our traditional morality as they are our national borders."

I can't speak for, or defend, our Leftists, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists or any of those who "wrote the book" from which my brief summary of Denier Rules is derived.
Whatever their notion of "woke" means, it is not our Founders' ideas & ideals.

Conservatives such as Free Republic are keepers of our Founders flame and original intentions -- all of which help define the word "Enlightenment".

Kalamata: "That is why I am here. One way to promote our Constitution and Christian faith is to get evolution and the ACLU out of our classrooms."

Two of my four grandparents were school teachers in the early 1900s, small one-room school houses, began each day with a Bible reading and prayer.

Local schools should be, and generally are, controlled by local governments and so teach children what their voters want children to learn.
So I have no problem if they wish to teach evolution in science classes, but I think they should also have classes where they are not afraid to begin with a Bible reading and prayer.

339 posted on 09/04/2019 11:07:26 PM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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