I think it has to do with the devaluation of boys.
Certainly a factor. The Left and the MSM have created a doom -and-gloom scenario much at odds with the utopia they promise.
That is probably another related issue. These shooters tend to be confused, probably pre full blown psychotics who have this kind of violent imagery packed into their brains by constant exposure to violence...especially gun violence...look at the popular video games...movies...books...comics...tv...news reports. Monkey see...monkey do.
Yep. Father alienated and pushed out of the home by “i-can-do-it-all” feminist soccer mom. Who then crows about how dad is a “dead beat” and it’s soooooo haaaaaaard to raise chiiiiilllldren on your ooooooowwwn.
Gets heavily subsidized by child support payments (gov’t sponsored wealth redistribution and debtor’s prison)
Has massive amounts of screen time.
Ladles mind bending drugs down “Junior’s” throat instead of discipline. Then both parents compete in a race to the bottom to see who can be the most lenient and Junior’s “friend.”