Yes they do, because the education system has made them into idiots...............
I was surprised to hear him say this because I have been careful to temper my own opinions in his presence, knowing that he would be under pressure to conform at school and would be punished and ostracized for expressing ideas that are unwelcome and contradict the propaganda.
This is the sad state of American education today.
The free exchange of ideas is crushed.
Conformity is demanded.
There is only contempt for TRUTH--TRUTH for its own sake.
Students are taught the disinformation of the de facto Ministry of Propaganda as though it were TRUTH.
George Orwell's nightmare is the reality of 21st century America.
Our parents and grandparents--the men who walked into machine gun fire on the beaches of Normandy--the women and men who carved the greatest nation the world has ever know out of the American wilderness--would never have dreamed that it would come to this.