OK! I read that the Mexican army was at their southern border today and shut it down. All of these migrants are being trans shipped from Cuba or VZ, in the case of the Africans or Middle Easterners, or being forced up from Guatemala, VZ, Honduras, etc., by leftist forces.
Mexicans actually want their own country back, since it has now become nothing but a pathway to the US. I think Trump actually gave the raving leftist AMLO an out from his open-borders plan. AMLO is a total socialist, but he was elected because the Mexican population has run through the PRI and PAN and theyve both been corrupt up the the eyeballs and Mexicans hope that it might help if they for somebody new (who was extreme left but sounded like he actually wanted to promote Mexico).
So we shall see. Trump does know how to get a deal, and I think people from other countries respect him, no matter how much the Dems are trying to undermine him.
I don’t think Trump negotiated this. I think Pence was lead on this. If there’s not a hard stop to The Invasion this weekend, it was all theater
Mexican Army at their southern border is fascinating. I’m more concerned about their northern border.
Hell, we had nothing two weeks ago. Threat of tariff we got something. Not sure what itisbutwegot something