With respect to Benghazi it was his job to question and collect facts. I know youd like for him to lock her up but that wasnt what he was tasked to do. Congress doesnt render verdict. Please take the time to actually read the powers of Congress and what theyre tasked to do. This isnt American Idol
I missed his report.
What did he say about Hillary and Obama lying in the faces of the survivors?
What did he recommend as an action against the president for not ordering a rescue operation from nearby Sicily?
What did he recommend about the president sending Susan Rice to lie to the media, on 5 Sunday morning talk shows, about the cause of the attack and then lying himself for 12 days to the US and the world?
What did he recommend be done with generals who failed to respond or speak up about the CO’s recalcitrance?
What sanction did he recommend against the SOS?