Amazing, simply amazing. AOC makes people feel sympathetic for a CEO of a major financial institution for having to listen to her stupid driveling questions! "When did you start funding the building of cages for children and why would you do such an evil thing?" And "Dont you think Wells Fargo should be responsible for cleaning up all the environmental damage done by everything you financed since your stage coach horses pooped on the roads a 150 years ago, not to mention paying reparations to the families of all those independent entrepreneurial freelance toll men your thugs killed with shotguns preventing them from earning a living wage?" (OK, im Exaggerating a tad on her questions but her tone was similar.)
AOC also asked him why Wells Fargo didn’t pay for the clean up of a 2017 oil spill in S.Dak from the Keystone XL pipeline.
The Keystone XL pipeline hasn’t even been built!!
You might think that you were exaggerating, but not by much.