And what about the overall costs to the community? Surrounding communities have increased expenses for roads, public safety, schools, sewers/water maintenance etc, and who ends up paying? The little guy. Amazon and other companies getting a break is disadvantageous in so many ways. What's wrong with a level playing field?
Every new business has a 5 year grace period where they do not have to show a profit. After that the “profit” requirement only needs to be $1 over costs. So if you invest back into the business as a good business does there should be no problem, they did give you a 5 year break to build it. But this is not going to relieve the personal taxes owed by the owners, officers and employees of that business. They would have to pay these even if they were working for someone else.
Thing is... While the corporation Amazon owed no taxes just because they exist thousands are employed who did pay taxes.
They already made the profit. Yes. It is an ROI they promised, usually a percentage. If the percentage drops they must increase prices to achieve the same return. As for tax incentives, I am 100 percent against them. They are unfair to everyone. Plus, you are right, there is generally increased infrastructure cost born by the people who do pay taxes. Very annoying.