3 billion for 25,000 jobs is $120,000 per job. Most of the “subsidies” are scams on the taxpayer.
> 3 billion for 25,000 jobs is $120,000 per job. Most of the subsidies are scams on the taxpayer. <
That’s a truth that’s getting lost in all this. OAC is a remarkably stupid woman. But (ugh), I think she has a point here.
Anyone who disagrees, please consider this. Why should the government be subsidizing any private business? And what about those companies in competition with Amazon who aren’t getting subsidies? Why should they be unfairly disadvantaged?
3 billion for 25,000 jobs is $120,000 per job. Most of the subsidies are scams on the taxpayer.
Are they truly subsidies where a check is written to a company?
Or on the other hand a situation where the government doesnt collect some tax?
A big difference