To: TigerClaws
8 posted on
02/08/2019 10:39:56 AM PST by
("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius (170 BC - 86 BC))
To: Menehune56
Lice cut hair is a tipoff that the woman is black Ameritrash
17 posted on
02/08/2019 10:46:14 AM PST by
( (KE. N.P. N.C. +12) Honduras must be invaded to protect America from invasion)
To: Menehune56
American studies, with a minor in women’s studies and gender.
But then again, she gets a free pass to find a job - I suggest government or community organizing.
She was probably sitting on a small pile of white boys when this pic was taken.
24 posted on
02/08/2019 10:54:25 AM PST by
To: Menehune56
Pig faced loser that nobody wants to hear from.
48 posted on
02/08/2019 11:09:46 AM PST by
(My tagline ran off with another man.)
To: Menehune56
She’s pissed because white boys keep telling her to hit the salad bar.
To: Menehune56
Leda Fisher '19, the authoress...Oh, okay. I see what the problem is now. They wouldn't hit that, so she mad.
69 posted on
02/08/2019 12:03:04 PM PST by
Albion Wilde
("Great nations do not fight endless wars." --Donald J. Trump, State of the Union speech 2019)
To: Menehune56
Looks like an escapee from a Smith Field pork processing plant.
To: Menehune56
87 posted on
02/08/2019 1:54:05 PM PST by
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