Moving to port?
Elizabeth Warren - just another Loony Tune Leftist.
This should be funny.
She lied about being Native American, so why trust her as president? Of course, liberals expect their politicians to lie to them; and they call everyone else liars anyway even though they aren’t. Lying to them is like the air they breathe, something that comes natural to them. It won’t affect their vote.
Just the person we all want to be lectured to endlessly while she shakes her hair and gesticulates with her pitiful, weak appendages.
I saw in the photo where she was drinking a beer in her kitchen, a figurine of a Black Mammy character getting ready to bite into a watermelon slice. This should be shown far and wide to display how much a hypocrite Warren is. I saw it on FR.
Why this woman is even talked about...or posted on a joke.
I saw in the photo where she was drinking a beer in her kitchen, a figurine of a Black Mammy character getting ready to bite into a watermelon slice. This should be shown far and wide to display how much a hypocrite Warren is. I saw it on FR.
I can’t even draw a stick figure, so wondering if we have any arteests here at FR who could draw a bug like critter with a face based upon Elizabeth Warren’s features, a Bill the cat type of facial expression, and name it Lun A. Tick.
She needs proper recognition.
1.Declare that you are a Democrat running for President.
2. Promise the Democrat voters a bunch of free stuff.
3. Stuff your pants full of donation money from Democrat voters.
Watch out for Warren? How could you possibly miss her?
no one believes she’s is a “leading contender” any longer. she missed her window. the base is closer to occasional cortex now. and it has been one gaffe after another since she got serious about running for president.
kamala harris. that’s your nominee. take it to the bank. and spare me the breathless birther bullsh*t; you guys are all talk and no lawsuit
She likes beer, ergo she must be a regular Joe. Some political consultant is actually getting paid for that buffoonery she displayed in that video.
Elizabeth Warren was a Conservative Republican when she was in Oklahoma in the 1990’s. When she moved to Massachusetts, she became an Indian Marxist Leftist.
Pocahontas Warren is scary nuts. I mean she’s barking-at-the-moon crazy, worse than that nutcase doctor from Vermont, I forgot his name.
Does anyone here know what numbers are showing up for her speeches? I’m guessing not many or it would be all over the news.
The more Dem female candidates, the livelier the cat fights....
I cannot imagine it NOT being Kamala Harris. Black, female, SanFran leftist loon, uses sex as a career tool, speaks Leftist gibberish fluently... how does any Liberal vote against all that, other than for an icon like Hillary?