By the way -- now that rustbucket has acknowledged the $200 million in Northern "exports" to the South, I think we can turn the tables on Lost Causers who've endlessly claimed Lincoln "started war" over "money", i.e. $50 million in Union tariff revenues:
"follow the money", they say.
- DiogenesLamp post #672: "'s about money.
Prominent Northern Newspapers of the time period tell them it's about money.
They want to believe it's about slavery..."
- DiogenesLamp post #497: "The war was about money, but was successfully rebranded as a war about freedom, to cover up the reality..."
- DiogenesLamp post #716: Confederates "...would not only take over the European money streams going into the North, they would take over the market for the products the North East was manufacturing and distributing by way of the Great lakes and Railroads."
- FLT-bird post #707: "Like most wars, this one too was all about money."
- FLT-bird post #621: "Lincoln started the war due to his insistence that the Southern states pay TAXES.
It was about money."
- FLT-bird post #157: "There was no way in hell the northern states were going to fight a war over slavery.
When it came to money however, they were all in favor of not letting their cash cow slip away.
So you are exactly wrong about that.
It was ALL about money for the North."
For Confederates, of course, it couldn't possibly be "about money" since Confederates were driven by the highest ideals like freedom, liberty & constitutional states' rights.
No money in that, right?
Well, we can now identify at least three instances when "all about money" drove those freedom loving Confederates:
- Most obvious was the $4 billion estimated asset value of slaves in 1860.
In relative terms, $4 billion in 1860 is about $20 trillion today -- equivalent to our GDP or National Debt, a huge number which 1860 Fire Eaters said Lincoln's Black Republicans threatened.
So secession too could be said was "all about money".
- Southern planters owed money to Northern banks to the tune of ~$300 million, debts which could be repudiated and collected by the Confederate government once war began.
- Perhaps less obvious is the $200 million per year the "North" "exported" to the "South" -- those words in quotes because definitions are vague & inconsistent.
Such exports could, in theory, generate $20 million in Confederate tariff revenues, so wouldn't Jefferson Davis want such income? Well... no... because if you're Jefferson Davis, $20 million only begins to cover your government's costs.
What you really want is the $200 million Southerners are spending on Northern imports, because that money, if stopped, will pay for your war and help cripple the Northern economy.
So Davis didn't just want "money flows from Europe" diverted to Confederates, he also wanted money flows from the South to the North stopped.
And nothing could stop such money flows quicker & better than Civil War.!
So, low and behold, turns out for Confederates too, starting war at Fort Sumter was also
"all about the money".
Or at least so in the minds of our Marxist trained economic dialecticians.
Your repetitive responding to respond in order to waste as much time as possible while failing to read and/or just claiming any source that is inconvenient for your arguments is automatically untrue, has likewise come to an end. Buh Bye.
17th attempt.
You are simply not going to steal hours of my day every day.