Mike has a big surprise headed his way.
This is where fake news sights like CNN get their money.
100M ? Pigeon feed to Bloomberg.. he’s worth 13B plus or was.
Name recognition is about the only thing going for him otherwise. In the final field of 25 or so, he’s about 15th on the list for the Dem pick.
Funny thing about rich people these days, most are just out and out weird... and what is rich these days?
Poised to play the Perot role, with Mattis in the Stockdale cameo, to peel off enough votes to get the Dem in?
Some people are fundamentally unlikable.
You want Bloombutt for president like you want to stuff your underwear with poison ivy. It’s HIS way or the highway. No negotiations, no independent opinion. He is really a fascist.
Is he going to run as a wonky square? Or an emotional rock star? Bill pulled off both acts. Hillary could do neither.
Would be nice to see him blow all his money and lose.
Does the little weasel still have the paper sign taped to his back from elementary school saying kick me I like it?
Bloomberg could spend a billion dollars and he still wont get my vote.This guy is anti-choice in everything except abortion.
Dont think of buying a large coke in New York City while having dinner.He banned it.
Bloomberg is a highly educated man from a disciplined family who revolutioned intricate ways of spotting worldwide discrepancies in bond spreads.
So he was a billionaire several times before starting his proprietary computer program which I dont think has ever been compromised by hackers.
Then he started his 24-7 worldwide radio system and syndicated broadcast news bulletins.
He is a successful three-time mayor who improved New York City immeasurably.
And hes an unflinching hole.