Russia seizing their naval ships demands a response, or they should just surrender and turn over the country to Russia. Some provocations cannot be glossed over. Russia clearly intended it so. And no Ukraine is stuck between a rock and a hard place: escalate tensions and risk war or ignore the provocation and risk internal crisis and escalating external provocations. Probably the best bet is to play hardball and pray that other nations quickly step in to back them up.
I’ll guarantee you that there will be a quick response, but it will only be overtly economic.
But this is a bridge too far. There will be a multi-faceted covert strategy aimed at Putin and Russia now.
I think they should board and inspect any Ukrainian ship that wants passage under the bridge until Ukraine publicly signs a treaty that promised they will not attack the Kerch Strait bridge and causeway.
So you figure they should wait until the Ukrainians do blow up a part of the causeway or the bridge, right?
Or, do you think everyone is supposed to know that whatever Ukraine promises is total bullshit and therefore ignore threats from the President of Ukraine and their head of the Defense Department equivilent?