Another racist leftard who has built her entire existence on her blackness.
Another racist leftard who has built her entire existence on her blackness. * * * A crazy theory is percolating in my head, Vlad. It's this: Abrams' blackness per se is insufficient to draw all those Hollywood and Yankee types to support her. Maybe there's also the element of a poor, in debt, XXXL female. I read the Time Magazine cover story about Abrams several weeks ago, and it was selling a stereotype. It painted Abrams as this "Aw Shucks" poor Southern country girl with the gap between her teeth -- and fond of chattering with her cousins and aunts. So maybe some of that narrative attracted the Progressive powers that be. "How dare a successful, white, and thin man (Kemp) oppose a woman of destiny!" So are the Dems setting Abrams up as the next glass ceiling breaking POTUS? Is America ready for the first very large female, deadbeat, poor, and unaccomplished Presidential candidate? Am I crazy of what? |