Shazam! Lookie here at what I found in the trunk of my car! Shucks, how could I have gone and forgot about all of these votes!
If Paul Ryan had wanted to ‘do good’ for the country he should have safe-guarded the vote rather than doing BS tax cuts.
I’d rather live in a free country than have a few extra dollars in my pocket.
As soon as democrats rig enough elections we’ll NEVER be able to keep secure an honest vote. When that happens democrats will open the borders and let in a hundred million illegals from corrupt hellholes and that will be the end of our country.
The end of our freedom.
The end of a life worth living.
We’ll become one more of hundreds of brown poor hellholes with a small corrupt ‘elite’ ruling by force and threats. YOUR children and grandchildren will go hungry, starve or be tortured... just like happens in all the brown hellholes the world over. It’s not the ‘land’ or ‘resources’ that make these countries hellholes - it’s the culture - the one a hundred million illegals will bring with them. Overwhelming ours...
YES, people are equal before the law - but cultures are NOT equal - some create misery, corruption. poverty and violence and others create civilization...