I really hope that isn't the case here.
Just read that Trump is sending in Wind and Rain. ICE will be given a well deserved day off.
this is the October surprise
If this isn’t stopped militarily at the border, I could envision a scenario where over a million Mexicans and others who could get to the border would swarm over it. Europe is looking annihilation in the face, and that’s with people who had to cross over several countries or get to their shores by boat.
I hope he acts and I am sure anyone in the Mil will fully enjoy protecting our borders.
Make no mistake this is an Invasion. because there are not visibly caring weapons makes no dif
2 for 1 benefit.Illegals will be kept out and Libs head will explode.
Just do It Donald
The rat left is responsible and their financiers
The two sides in this article are stupid.
There is only ONE side. The president has the authority ... wait, the DUTY, under the constitution to protect the borders PERIOD!
He doesn’t need some law passed by Congress to allow him to carry out his CONSTITUTIONAL duties.
Make them WALK all the way.
Mr. President don't listen to this BS. The President of the US can protect our international border with a basically free hand. This is snake oil. Posse Comitatus DOES NOT APPLY TO THE BORDER OR THIS SITUATION.
I believe the Defense Authorization Act of 2015 (not sue of date) specifically permit POTUS to use the military in defense of a[-our borders - invasion is not the same as migration. If those were the same, then there is nothing to stop any foreign power from sending its troops into the US since they could simply claim they are immigrants.
The author conflates invasion with immigration to garner sympathy and to rose public opinion against POTUS and use of the US military to protect the country from invasion and maintain the security of the US.
A handful of people crossing the border could be immigrants - 10,000 or more waving flags of other nations is an invasion, regardless of the women and children being used as shields (like Saddam did before Gulf 1).
If he needs the military to protect the border from the migrant caravan invasion, so be it.
Posse comitus does not apply to American forces defending the border from positions inside the failed Mexican state. The posse comitas act does not prevet the use of American troops within the occupied state of Hondouras where a military occupation government has been established.
The US Marines have a long and successful history of operations in central America, including the capture and occupation of the Halls of Montezuma during the presidency of James K Polk. The successful establishment and operatio of a military government has precedent in Japan.
Capture every mothers son of them that step on us soil
Put the prisoners of war to work on the Wall.
See how easy?
Repel this crap invaders with tear gas etc. Get our military down on the Border to take care of this. Our military can disrupt the cartels and their communications.
I would start send them down this week. Get them briefed and ready. We need a large permanent Army base near the Mexican border. Call it the military HQ to coordinate and keep invaders from entering.
To rally Democrat voters and achieve a "Blue Wave"
Where is the illegal caravan now? I’ve been watching hurricane Willa and where it is to cross Mexico. Would be an act of God if it were to cause them to turn around. Sort of like Moses and the pillar of fire.
This is an invasion. This cannot be permitted.
Shoot the first person to illegally cross the border.
Then shoot the second person.
Keep shooting until the mob gets the idea and turns around.
Scoop up the bodies and dump them on the other side of the border - no reason for US to pay to dispose of them.
Erect a giant poster of a rear shot of Hillary in the buff....that should stop them.