Some synonyms for "fulsome" are "excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, cloying, saccharine". So I'm sure she will make further "fulsome" statements.
I do not care what this retarded, dishonest woman has to say.
Must feel good, Lisa, to wag your back end at the party and say Nyah Nyah!
Sen. Murkowski has no idea who the real victim is here. Or maybe she does, but just doesn’t care.
She is an awful toad of a human being. No moral compass whatsoever.
Out she goes, who can run against her?
She voted political, so she should get a politicians boot out of office!
Accuse a supreme court justice of something hideous and if the evidence just does happen to come out to prove he is innocent, then say he overdid it in his testimony against sexual assault. He cant win.
[ I did not come to a decision on this until walking onto the floor this morning. ]
Sure. I really believe that. As much as I believe anything out of the mouth of Elizabeth Warren.
The title reads: “Read Her Remarks Declaring Why”
I read her entire remark, she never explained why...
What kind of fake title is this?
Yes, we must believe the accusers who are paid off with $1M on GoDefraudUs, and who then suborns perjury and tampers with witnesses. That is a fair system of justice.
The Alaska voters are a national embarrassment. What idiots.
Heard some of her commentary last night. Fidiot!
Come on, Alaska. Is this really the best you can do, sending Ted Stevens liberal daughter to the US Senate?
A bull moose would have more sense.
She stole her Senate seat from the Tea Party. She is a corrupt tool. Primary her as soon as possible.
All the Retired Hippies in Alaska told her to ?
She just got re-elected in 2016, so she is going to be around for awhile.
If she honestly believes her no vote, she is an evil woman.
The following is a brief, but important, excerpted portion of a Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon delivered by Dr. Benjamin W. Arnett, a Black Ohio State Legislator and A.M.E. Bishop in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in the Year 1876, after the end of the Civil War. The Sermon may be read at the Library of Congress, African-American Section.
"Withdraw from Christendom the Bible, the Church with its sacraments and ministry, and Christian morality and hopes, and aspirations for time and eternity; repeal all the laws that are founded in the Christian Scriptures; remove the Christian humanities in the form of hospitals and asylums, and reformatories and institutions of mercy utterly unknown to unchristian countries; destroy the literature, the culture, the institutions of learning, the art, the refinement, the place of woman in her home and in society, which owe their origin and power to Christianity; blot out all faith in Divine Providence, love, and righteousness; turn back every believer in Christ to his former state; remove all thought or hope of the forgiveness of sins by a just but gracious God; erase the name of Christ from every register it sanctifiesin a word annihilate all the legitimate and logical effects of Christianity in Christendomjust accomplish in fact what multitudes of gifted and learned minds are wishing and trying to accomplish by their science, philosophy, and criticism, and what multitudes of the common people desire and seek, and not only would all progress toward and unto perfection cease, but not one of the shining lights of infidelity would shine much longer. Yes, the bitterest enemies of this holy and blessed religion, owe their ability to be enemies to its sacred revelations - to the inspiration and sublimity of that faith which reflects its glories on their hostile natures. They live in the strength of that which they would destroy. They are raised to their seats of opportunity and power by the grace of Him they would crucify afresh; and is it to be thought that they are stronger than that which gives them strength? Can it be supposed that a religion which civilizes and subdues, and elevates and blesses will succumb to the enmities it may arouse and quicken in its onward march? Are we to tremble for the ark of God when God is its upholder, and protector, and preserver? - Dr. Benjaming W. Arnett, St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Urbana, Ohio, Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon, November 1876Link to Original Library of Congress Copy of Dr. Benjamin W. Arnett's "Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon" delivered in 1876, here.