He didn’t harass anyone over “parking”. He informed the woman that she was parked illegally, which any law abiding Citizen should have done. Also notice that the attacker was advancing to continue the violent assault until the moment he saw the gun being drawn.
Really??? I don't feel that obligation. Just because someone else is a a$$hole doesn't mean I need to confront them.
Also notice that the attacker was advancing to continue the violent assault until the moment he saw the gun being drawn.
I haven't seen the video. Just going by what others have said. I have heard two stories, one where the assailant was coming back for round two, and another where he was retreating. What actually occurred at this point will determine the jury outcome.
He didn’t make the cut for “Parking Wars”.
why couldn’t he just mind his own business? Let the police find her and fine her.
It’s NOT our job to inform people when they are breaking the law, unless it affects us.
No only a busy-body would have done such a thing particular when there was plenty of parking. Now he going to the slammer for being an idiot.
There was guy in our town who use to hang out at the local Jr high when parents were picking up kids from football and volleyball practice. There wasn't a lot of parking and he'd wait until some mom (He generally didn't say much to men) parked in one of the handicapped spots and then just rip into her.
He didn't seem to care that the signs designating them as handicapped spots were for during the school day only, after 3:30 they were normal spots. This guy was being a major jerk; virtue signaling before that was a thing.
Next thing you know he gets arrested for human trafficking. Him and another guy were holding a developmentally disabled teenage girl as a sex slave. They got caught pimping her out, making videos of guys raping and torturing her. All the guys ended up in prison.
Now, not every parking Nazi is brutalizing women, but they are not all law abiding citizens either.
The shooter had a habit of harassing people which I'm sure he wouldn't have done if unarmed. I believe in the right to carry and the responsible use of force for self defense, this guy's behavior is bad news for responsible gun owners.