If society believes in self defense there are going to be cases like this. It comes with the territory. There are going to be cases that appear the defender did not have to use deadly force but we must err on the side of the defender. The deceased initiated a violent, potentially deadly attack so the law must protect the shooter or we are all in danger. No attack no shooting. If the deceased would have simply got in his car and drove away he would be alive today. Conversely if the victim in this case was not armed its very likely he would be dead.
The prosecutor is quietly building up a stack of "incidents" this weird little poisonous toad was involved in.
More people will be coming forward. The ones that have already come forward are bad enough...
The victim was not armed and IS dead.
The weird little poisonous toad is still alive.
But "the brothers" will take care of that, one way or another - either on the street or in prison.
I'm betting in prison.
I think Drejka walks before a jury is picked. There’s a hearing to be held first and the state has the burden of proof to prove he had no right to defend himself.