You mis-understood what I was trying to say. Although it is pretty certain his attorneys won’t let him be exposed to a perjury trap, it would be POLITICALLY STUPID to declare there will never be an interview. Because then the voters (75% of whom are not political junkies like me) will deduce Trump has something to hide.
By continuing to play the delaying game and making Mueller go on a wild goose chase (in this case throwing negotiation tactics at Mueller) the time is on Trump’s side.
And yes I was inside a courtroom in the jury pool for a 5 day long trial for assault on police officers and possession of contraband. And lawyers run in my family..My father was a lawyer and my daughter is a lawyer.
Now I agree with you completely. It would be stupid to flat out refuse but POTUS should never wind up being interviewed by Muller. The Trump team tactics are well played.