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To: reasonisfaith; ransomnote; Steven W.; greeneyes; TEXOKIE; txhurl; saywhatagain; Swordmaker; ...

MSM outlets like the Amazon Post count on having plenty of sheeple who are more than happy to be spoon-fed and told what to think.

An unbiased article would have pointed out the following:

1. Anyone at all can post on the 8chan boards. That includes Democrats, Republicans, criminals, lunatics, psychopaths. Even WaPoo “journalists”. It is a certainty that *IF* Q is real, then anti-Q operatives would most certainly be posting on the boards in order to discredit Q. So picking and choosing from the anonymous non-Q posts there proves nothing. If I were an MSM journalism writing a hit piece on Q, I would first go there and post something juicy and stupid so that it would make my job of ridiculing it easier.

2. Not everyone who follows the Q posts believes everything that is posted on the 8chan boards. In fact, I would find it unlikely that ANYONE believes everything posted there. To assume that they are so lacking in discernment as to believe that everything written there is true makes me think that the Amazon Post has them confused with its readers.

As far as JFK jr. and his wife being alive goes, yes I agree it’s pretty farfetched. They could EASILY put that to rest by contacting those two mystery lookalikes from the Trump rally and letting us know who they really are. That would be an act of actual journalism and a public service. But it’s far easier for them to sit back and take pot shots using half truths and lies. Real journalism is dead - at least at the WaPoo.

73 posted on 08/07/2018 6:05:13 PM PDT by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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