Mr President, can we PLEASE do the same for the illegals who’ve already burrowed into the American woodwork?
The Alps are climbed one Alp at a time.
I feel differently about many of these people, because both parties had misled them for decades with nodding and winking and absurdly easy rules. Due to this implicit “yes” even though the official law said “no” it isn’t an easy sell to turn it around. But again. Donald Trump may only care what he can jam through, not what he can sell. And there’s a limit to that. Even the wise parent with a rebellious kid finds a limit to what he will jam down the throat of that kid.
At the least, I’d want to stipulate that if you’re in here as an illegale, even under legacy rules, after a certain date, then its “never ever a citizen” for you. You got to choose. Go out to the penalty box and wait out your time before returning to the game, or leave the game forever. Incentivize pro-active self deports with easier rules.
When the boat has a leak with water flooding in, you have to stop the water from flooding in first. Otherwise you drown attempting to bail it out.