I was leery of the guy at first. I took a couple of months to go all in. I never bashed him, but I had reservations.
It’s my take you don’t bash a guy you may need down the line. Now if they have betrayed you during a battle, then forget it. If they differ with you on point when there’s (realative) peace, then it’s okay to spar.
Trump’s platform was great, and he was defending it constantly. The one time he made a mistake about letting all Muslims in, he corrected himself the next morning.
When is the last time we’ve had someone correct themselves EVER, let alone within 12 hours.
During his conversations, I’d hear him touching on peripheral issues that nobody talks about. And when he did, he sounded just like us, knowing all the nuances of those topics.
After noting that sort of thing a number of times, I knew he was far more Conservative than people had thought. I knew we had a winner.
How could folks still be dumping on him as of September of 2016? Honestly I don’t get it. And refusing to do anything more than give a few minutes of cosmetic support a few days before the election? Seriously?
Trump and the nation deserved better than it got from some people.
What Conservative could possibly not see the danger Hillary represented, and by that time how good Trump actually was?
It baffles me how some of these guys thought they were going to get away with what they were doing.
Well-stated, D1. Thanks.