I smoked grass for 25 years. Never once did I think to myself “I need a joint” but I did find myself rummaging through the trash can looking for a cigarette butt that had enough tobacco left to light up. Now that’s a physical addiction.
Exactly. I dropped four cigarettes on a rainy day in a local park, decades ago. Two days later, I went back and picked them up and dried them out.
Exactly. I do have some friends who have smoked daily for 20+ years. My memory is better than theirs and that is huge to me (both parents having / had Alzheimers). But they both hold down well paying jobs - one in supervisory mode over lots of construction workers and one who does math calculations that I couldnt are functioning just fine. I dont see marijuana as a huge problem for the middle class except possibly on the road. I smell it every day on the freeway and that does upset me.