Theyve made their intentions very clear. They intend to takeover the American Southwest, and make it part of Mexico.
For about 3 decades this movement calls itself La Reconquista. It evolved out of the Brown Beret movement of the late 60s and early 70s originating in East LA. The president of the Cal senate and the AG in california are the current leaders. It is basically take-over through illegal immigration.
The senate leader is Kevin De Leon who added the De to be more ethnic. He admitted on the floor of the state senate last year he helped the illegal half of his family enter and stay here. Then two months ago, he hired an illegal to sit on a state board and draw salary, a clear violation of federal law.
He has never been investigated to my knowledge and not been arrested. He flaunts his scofflaw attitude in public and dares sessions and trump to do anything about it. So far they have peed and does nothing. Same thing with the mayor of Oakland. How hard is her case to make?
Vigilante justice happens because of this sort of crap.