Posted on 04/22/2018 5:45:57 PM PDT by yesthatjallen
LOL! They can't be serious. I don't think I've ever seen any news outlet be so concerned about a news "anchor" connection to politicians/anything.
The Left is a bully. You beat bullies by standing up to them and showing them that they can't make you do things.
Provided there was nothing illegal or nasty about these real estate deals, then screw it. Do the deals, and let the Left whine and be powerless, rather than trying to live appeasing people who are not appeasable and thus handing them undeserved and unwarranted power.
I’m not surprised that the left is going after Hannity with this hit piece.
No one is going after the Deep State, every time he’s on the air, like Sean Hannity.
The liberal left are trying to get him thrown off Fox News, I hope they don’t succeed.
HUD insured the mortgage a bank made on the property.
HUD paid off the bank when the loan went bad and “inherited” a non performing asset.
At any one time in this country there are thousands of non performing HUD assets.
HUD routinely sells it’s non performing assets to investors that range from you and me buying one house for a rental to shell companies buying blocks of HUD’s assets as an investment.
There is nothing nefarious nor improper about it. It only looks “bad” to under educated people who know nothing of how the government insured housing market works.
Mr. Community Organizer did wonders with Federal money for low-cost housing in Chicago.
Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy"About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale - a score so bad the buildings now face demolition."
July 17, '08
Carleton Sheets, call your office.
Morons open their mouth and crap flows out. Tighten your mouth big guy. You could not be on the wronger side of this than you are. IQ maybe 50. 60 on a good day. Yep a dumb as a bag of hammers. I say this with humble intent having at least 3x your IQ.
Hannity has survived every hit and he's still standing and it's driving them mad.
They have committed themselves to get rid of Hannity By Any Means Necessary.
87 homes a year? BFD
Pressed to explain by politically bigoted Never Trumpers still whining their god Cruz lost the 2016 political primary.
No one else cares
So who was the killer?
He said on his show at the time his name popped up with the Cohen raid, that he does NOT like investing in the Wall Street casino (My words). He said he prefers to invest in real estate. I guess this article pretty much bears that out.
Yes. Is this a politically motivated leak from the FBI?
“Buy land. They’re not making it anymore.”
Maybe. However, this article reads like he masterminded everything. Hardly true in any way.
Even if this is true, many people and-or companies have bought foreclosed homes.
I have a friend who saved 400k by buying a foreclosure.
All very common back in 2010.
Wish I had done it
Smart guy, that Hannity.
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