It was not a mountain to die on...
Actually, I merely ASKED A QUESTION. Who made it a mountain to die on...putting up snarky condemning picture because I questioned.
Post was 1.5 days old which by definition makes it not breaking. Title was incorrect. Doesn’t mean it is not a good video, but it was not accurate nor happening right then...
Post every VideoBlogger’s YouTube on Breaking News, then it ceases to be breaking news.
This is not worth the time and effort...So going forward, I don’t care...the Breaking News sidebar can post breakfast recipes cause too much hassle even asking question.
Seems asking anything is becoming less and less tolerated here. Don’t deviate from majority thinking, don’t ask questions.
Then why even mention it? Because you didn’t have to.
Not a lot of people really care.
The mods will take care of it if they think it doesn’t belong there. I see them do it pretty regularly.