“WHY the huge push for driver less cars? Can someone explain this to me?
They can shove up their rear end! Id never have one!”
It’s insanity. Can’t explain it anymore than I can explain global warming, gun control, fruit marriage, men in the ladies’ room or any other democrat fad du jour.
Some like Uber see money in the form of taxis without having the pay the driver. The real push however is from the communist left. They see what is the ultimate in CONTROL of the masses. Driverless cars are as important to the left as gun control. We should resist at every level. This concept is born of evil pure and simple. Freedom to move about the country of our own free will is part of the bedrock of our society. If the commies get control of your car they WILL control your entire life.
For the fan boys of this insanity you need to know this one simple fact.
There will NEVER be a driverless car. Someone will always be driving it. It just won't be YOU!