Geeez, I wish we could get on the forum McCabe’s RESPONSE, which is posted on CTH and Lucianne!
McCabe is dug in and jumped the shark at the same time with a pre-written diatribe slandering the president as Trump behind all of it.
I saw it on another thread. It wasn’t text, but an image.
Yes he is.
This is going to be a war....... and the white hats will win in time.
Oh, President Trump runs the FBI's Office of Personal Responsibility now?
Now for Comey.... Then the rest of the dirty lifers in the bureaucracy
Imprimis just provided his speech The Politicization of the FBI in my mailbox yesterday.
It lays everything out about FBI malfeasance.
diGenova will need to be very careful. This is a rouge agency with many ways to kill. Our own KGB.