Preliminary results
The Center Right Lead by Silvio B placed first, within the alliance of parties though Silvio’s Forza Italia placed behind the Lega (Lega Nord which now tries to appeal to the whole country).
The 5 Star Movement placed 2nd (and was the largest single party)
Former PM Matteo “Reek” Renzi’s “center”-left placed a distant third a “dismal” performance especially given the “modest economic recovery” the media claims is going on.
What will happen? Who knows. The Center-right peeps and 5 Star cooperating is the best case. PM could be Silvio (less likley), Lega Leader Matteo Salvini or 5 Star Leader Luigi Di Maio. It sounds like Five Star will insist on taking the lead.
Possible chaos if no deal is reached. One paper (”La Stampa” in Turin) said “Di Maio wins, Italy ungovernable”. I assume it’s their equivalent of the Washington Post.
Ill take it.
My paisanos seem pretty happy.