On Tuesday in South Africa, a shocking vote in the National Assembly ruled that white South African farmers will be removed from their land. The vote, prompted by a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema, was not even close; 241 legislators voted for it with only 83 voting against it. Malema told his supporters in 2016 he was not calling for the slaughter of white people at least for now.
More at link above:
Confiscate it and do what with it?
I’ll cede, for the sake of argument, that it’s just to give land back to the black citizens. Who will now own the land? Black citizens? Of course not: the state will. Let’s imagine that the state gives the land back to black people. Who will they give it back to? I’m sure there are plenty of black people who have been working alongside the white farm owners who would be competent, even expert farmers themselves, but how would they become the ones running the farms?
Even buying the premise that the state should enact policies that result in land being transferred from white people to black people, this is a stupid way to do it.
A smarter way would be to find some way to increase costs — such as a tax, but the tax need not be direct — on while farm owners and lower costs on black farmers. Perhaps tax the products of the farm as they are sold. Or tax the land. Or tax seasonal loans. Or tax equipment, fuel, etc. Use those taxes to subsidize black-owned farms. This would place white farmers at a competitive disadvantage, prompting them to sell to black people. (You’d, of course, need to very carefully define “ownership” so they don’t simply make a black person an owner in name only.) But the sales would take place gradually, as competent, successful black farmers earned the money to buy the farms and white farmers were ready to pursue other work. There would be significant compensation, not from the government but from black people making profit off of white people. And that compensation would be largely commensurate with the value of the land.
But this isn’t about giving white-owned farms to black people. This is pure communism, poorly disguised as racial justice. Farm output will collapse. Poverty and starvation will ensue. Worse, what industry will feel safe from redistribution? Divestment will soon destroy South Africa.
We don’t have to guess. This has been tried before. Millions of people — black people — died.
President Trump should offer to Trade all of our proud liberal blacks for their productive whites
In the name of anti racism and repatriation a once first world nation has been turned into a leftist third world sit hole.
Democrats drool over the thought of being the dictator over the remains of American wealth.
This has been building among the blacks in SA for about 20 years.
Watch the confiscation and the bloodshed. Then watch the country sink into a hellhole without food and clean water. That is inevitable much like Venezuela - or more like Zimbabwe.
This has been done before in Africa by Robert Mugabe, and those blacks who had learned how to farm from the white farmers were slaughtered as well. Is it any wonder why the people end up starving?
I don’t find it the least bit shocking.
Yeah, that bad. Total loser.
South Africa - once the bread basket of the continent - is morphing into a typical African sh*thole - - begging for pity and alms... stuffed to the gills with excuses.
Coming to Amerika!
Only here they will seize your bank accounts, your 401K assets, your home, your cars, and your daughters.
I’m not joking either - this entire propaganda of “White Privilege” is feeding the racists to do just that.
“Payback’s a bitch” sort of comes to mind.
“’We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now’”
Remind me when those pictures of starving children in SA begin to show to induce dopes like myself to contribute cash support.
A former first world nation heading down the Zimbabwe road to becoming a beggar nation.
Hard to believe that when the first European settlers landed there they found no Blacks. Just Bushmen and Hottentots. The blacks were still far to the northeast, and did not really make a push south till Shaka began his empire expansion.
I was reading Katie Hopkins’ tweets yesterday. She has just returned from South Africa and predicts that we will see white genocide in our lifetime.
I don’t mind for myself but I worry about our children and their children. The thing that makes me sick is how many whites are supporting this.
Something that is not addressed in this and similar articles is that some blacks who have been offered land have turned it down and asked for cash instead. Many nowadays want the urban lifestyle. In fact, many have grown up in the cities.
in the years ahead, I have no doubt that the dems will campaign in support of this right here in what is left of America.
Make no mistake about it...that's why "white privilege" is a thing. That's why "Black Lives Matter" is a thing. The goal is to destroy white land and business ownership and give it "back" to people of color.
Kinda what mugabby did only without a nice pretty vote?
Hence the moniker s417hole countries....continents...
Welcome to New Zimbabwe.
What....4.5 million White people in South Africa, 8.0% of the population?
Maxine Waters and Lieawatha are taking notes for future bill proposals in the U.S. congress.
The whites need to eradicate the black racists. The whites settled the land. Blacks came later.