Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer (from The Concert in Central Park)
The feds would have no choice but to protect the schools as 300 million guns would be impossible to be gathered in even 1 generation. So, a school fortress with TSA type screening access and armed security in every access and hallway. Distinctive student garb/uniform that would making ID of an outsider immediate. No grouping of students allowed and hallway access strictly controlled.
Essentially think penitentiary, prison garb, full access screening ie: xray, strip search. Walk to class on allotted hallway lines. I think the snowflakes would melt, but this is essentially what full time protection would call for.
Probably not what the activists have in mind.
The premise of the poll represents everything wrong with America right now.
Oh save us, mighty government! We can’t help ourselves!
Interesting how the school shooting came along just when Trump’s poll numbers were rising, higher than 0bamas numbers at exactly the same time in his presidency. Funny how that happened.
The entire thing is being orchestrated by handlers. Cells in every school and faculty lounge form a network able to start a ‘spontaneous’ protest at a moment’s notice.
Silly me. I blame the evil person who pulled the trigger and the TV networks that made him famous.
Stupid headline
The word should be ABOUT not FOR. I don’t want congress or POTUS to do anything for mass shootings
Fomented up by the gun grabbing, leftist MSM.
What the hell did U.S. Snooze and World Report’s boy, Barack Hussein Obama do “for school shootings”? He was president for eight years! The Snooze Report can take their “poll” and shove it. It’s a fake poll.
Another fake poll - like fake news.
I’ve moved on.
A US News poll? really? Go away push poll perverts
How about making gun violence a death penalty offense with no appeal. Sentence to be carried out immediately.