Mayor pro tem Dwaine Caraway seems to too ignorant to comprehend what a contract is in making this threat against the NRA.
1 posted on
02/20/2018 10:19:31 AM PST by
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To: jazusamo
To: jazusamo
And this person does not realize, apparently, that what he’s exactly the reason for being pro-2nd amendment.
He is giving them the perfect reason to hold their position on guns but threatening them with violence.
3 posted on
02/20/2018 10:21:43 AM PST by
( ...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
To: jazusamo
Oooh. Opposition. My stomach is quaking.
I may just have to make a trip to Dallas that week.
4 posted on
02/20/2018 10:22:20 AM PST by
(Trump tweets are the only news source you can trust.)
To: jazusamo
5 posted on
02/20/2018 10:23:12 AM PST by
To: jazusamo
Don’t give in NRA. It would make it look like it’s your fault.
6 posted on
02/20/2018 10:23:30 AM PST by
(Kurt Schlicter: "They wonder why they got Trump. They are why they got Trump")
To: jazusamo
Do it. I’m sure some other location, maybe a smaller city that is seeking to expand its tourism and economic development will appreciate the economic boon of an NRA convention.
7 posted on
02/20/2018 10:23:52 AM PST by
(An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill)
To: jazusamo
This coming from a Texan. Simply amazing.
8 posted on
02/20/2018 10:23:57 AM PST by
Kickass Conservative
( An Armed Society is a Polite Society. An Unarmed Society is North Korea.)
To: jazusamo
Sue them for the cost of the venue they reserved if they try anything.
Show up armed, and dare them to start something.
9 posted on
02/20/2018 10:25:09 AM PST by
To: jazusamo
If their city attorney is worth a damn, Caraway will be getting a lesson on that quietly, behind closed doors, soon.
10 posted on
02/20/2018 10:26:04 AM PST by
(Islam delenda est)
To: jazusamo
11 posted on
02/20/2018 10:26:05 AM PST by
(Democrats: The perfect party for the helpless and stupid, and those who would rule over them.)
To: jazusamo
I think Dwaine would feel more at home in Austin than Dallas.
12 posted on
02/20/2018 10:26:11 AM PST by
(Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
To: jazusamo
OH NOES opposition, Im pooping my pants as we speak
To: jazusamo
While the left begs for "common sense gun laws", I have to ask: Where the h#ll is the common sense in the mandatory use of these stupid signs and the prevention of good guys protecting children not being allowed anywhere near a school with CC?
14 posted on
02/20/2018 10:26:38 AM PST by
("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.......)
To: jazusamo
Looks like I’m going to have to renew my membership.
To: jazusamo
16 posted on
02/20/2018 10:26:58 AM PST by
To: All
Whoever isn’t an NRA member should consider becoming one for all the obvious reasons.
To: jazusamo
I must assume conventions or gatherings about movies or video games, which contain gun violence, will be booted as well. Right?
Our side has GOT to push the No guns in movies and games! meme. Hard.
18 posted on
02/20/2018 10:28:01 AM PST by
(Its terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged today. - Chesterton)
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19 posted on
02/20/2018 10:28:24 AM PST by
(Have YOU Donated to Keep Free Republic Up and Running?)
To: jazusamo
20 posted on
02/20/2018 10:28:28 AM PST by
("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius (170 BC - 86 BC))
To: jazusamo
Yeah, get in the face, screaming cubic hatred, of 100,000+ licensed CCW carriers, all of whom are filling every motel fro 100 miles, from all over the United States. Seems like a win-win to me...
This clown shouldn't be in charge of the police impound lot, let alone near the mayor's office.
22 posted on
02/20/2018 10:29:37 AM PST by
(First rule of the Dunning-Kruger Club is that you do not know you are in the Dunning-Kruger club.)
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