If anyone thinks that the President didnt know what was going on, with that laptop, theres a bridge in Brooklyn, Id like to sell you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My conclusion exactly at the time. Also I would venture to say that the New York Field Office of the FBI also informed our candidate Trump of exactly what was going on back channel.Now that we now have President Trump I also believe that the New York Field Office of the FBI has been briefing our president when necessary about the DC swamp and its various denizens at the DOJ, FBI,IRS, and State Department.
Which is one of the reason’s all of this is so bothersome to me. I’ve worked with the FBI a fair amount. Maybe, since I was a knuckledragger at the time, I worked with the FBI Knuckledraggers and that’s why we got along so well. Were there a few “college kids” in there, like this Campbell clown? Yes. But, they tended to not be allowed to join the adult/knuckledragger conversations and soon went onto other assignments.
There are a lot of good people in that agency and all the others. Unfortunately, they tend to be the type that aren’t allowed to climb the ranks, nor do they want to. They like doing the dirty work. They probably don’t know how to eat escargot, with those little tongs or have ever tasted caviar.
100% opposite the Mueller’s, Comey’s, McCabe’s, Stzok’s, Page’s, Baker’s, etc etc, the one’s whose mission is to climb the ladder as fast as possible to assume as much power as possible. Can’t imagine how many careers have been ruined or obstructed due to the whims and desires of those I just mentioned.