Spot on! She is a miserable cretin who "specializes" in lightweight fluff like "womens issues". She has never, not even once, introduced any legislation worth anything. I will never forgive her for ramrodding legislation through the House about 4 years ago which authorized the wholesale slaughter of Canada geese on Federal wildlife preserves. This was based on absolutely junk science, which merely served to prove that she was unable/unwilling to evaluate this before pushing it through, resulting in NYC parks and wildlife preserves being devoid of Canada geese after the June/July molting season, when they can't fly and thus can be caught. Damn this b__.
Many of these Representatives and Senators think they can win by running against Trump and promoting hate. They have no issues and no solutions to issues. The only issue wave they can surf is Trump hate. The media Trump haters are doing a war dance around a fire each day. The left wing politicians dance around like they lost their way. They only have one thing in common and it is hate Trump. They are drunk on Trump!
I've been wondering why there were less geese in the past few years. They used to fly over my property causing such a racket. What a beautiful sight. Had a couple of geese nest on my property. Every year they would return to the same spot. Haven't seen them lately. Miss them. Thought it was something I did to my property which they didn't like. Now I'm pi**ed to find out that that bleach blonde had them killed.
I’m not sure I see the downside of thinning the herd of Canada Geese.