No more dynasties.
I love Pres. Trump. But I will not vote for a family member of any previous President. That’s how we got the Bush and Clinton and Kennedy dynasties. We are not a monarchy and we don’t have inherited titles.
I have no problem with relatives of existing presidents running for, and getting elected, themselves.
They have to make a case to the American electorate and then win the election in their own right.
I’ve heard Donald Trump Jr. on radio talk shows as well as on television. I’ve seen his twitter posts.
Many have argued that he is more conservative (and hard core conservative) than his father.
It’s rather unfair to lump him in with members of other “political” families. Don Jr. would be light years better than Ted Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, or any other Kennedy, as well as in a different class than George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, etc.
It depends on the quality of the individual is what I am trying to say. Jebra Bush spent what, $130 million during the primaries and won two or three delegates. That’s because he was an awful candidate.
Now Ivanka on the other hand....too liberal.