Did not see that. Thanks. I’ll look for it.
That's b/c he's been in Congress for years. The place where you'll find
some of the stupidest people ever born holding public office. Like this guy.
When asked about his IT employee, Imram's pal, Rao Abbas, Missouri Democrat Emmanuel Cleaver said, Who? I dont even know him. Cleaver stupidly added that his chief of staff put Abbas on Cleaver's payroll apparently without Cleaver's knowledge or consent.
Also unknown to him? Democrat Emanuel Cleaver, at one point, had five of the six members of the Awan group, including Rao Abbas, on his House payroll....all cashing US govt paychecks.
Rao got fired from fast foodie, McDonald's, but Abbas mysteriously got on Cleaver's US govt payroll as an IT and got paid $85,049 tax dollars in 2016.
Besides Cleaver, Rao Abbas was raking in the bucks, on the House payroll of (A) former Florida Democrat Cong Patrick Murphy, and (B) Democrats Cong Charlie Crist of Florida and (C) Jacky Rosen of Nevada, who took office in January.
NOTE: Some fellow IT observers say they never saw Rao on the job in Congress.