And for the second car, light drive vehicle you describe, any old car would do.
I’m blessed with a company car. My personal cars has almost 300,00 miles. My wife’s has almost 200,000.
She does drive mostly around town for errands, but hers is the one we take for vacations and family trips. I can use the company car for personal, but her and I are the only ones who can drive it. We’re researching a replacement now. Electric ain’t in any sort of consideration. Probably a small to medium SUV.
I don’t think they’re for everyone. Looking at current sales, I’m not convinced they’re for anyone. Tessla seems to do okay based on government subsidy. Nobody else is selling electrics like gangbusters.
Ford seems to be making a big mistake here.
It’s based on global warming B. S. too. Good gravy these folks are idiots. They got a silly notion in their head, and they’ll never admit they could have been wrong about it.
I don’t see Ford blazing a new trail here, unless the burning out tail of a comet is the kind of new territory you want to blaze.