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To: GuavaCheesePuff
Newark? Enough said. LOL.
2 posted on
01/12/2018 4:20:42 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff all spells Paradise to me!
To: GuavaCheesePuff; beaversmom; Army Air Corps
Wow, I have been making New Jersey jokes all day and now this.
These people are beyond parody.
4 posted on
01/12/2018 4:21:24 PM PST by
(If you want on First Lady Melania's, Ivanka Trump's or Sarah Palin's Ping Lists, just let me know.)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
We should ask the president what he thinks of Newark? He would probably say that we don’t want and “immigrants” from there either.
7 posted on
01/12/2018 4:26:46 PM PST by
The Deplorable Miss Lemon
(If illegals are here to do the jobs Americans won't do why are so many illegals on welfare?)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Hey everybody - let's do the "pander-dance"!!
8 posted on
01/12/2018 4:27:40 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff
That is what a s hole looks like.
10 posted on
01/12/2018 4:30:18 PM PST by
(God is not a Republican, but Satan is certainly a Democrat)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Murphy is a leftist wack job.
11 posted on
01/12/2018 4:31:46 PM PST by
(Stop tolerating the intolerant.)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
If we could tow Newark out to sea it would not even be part of America.
12 posted on
01/12/2018 4:31:48 PM PST by
(Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents-Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Newark. Camden. Patterson. The list goes on.
13 posted on
01/12/2018 4:32:48 PM PST by
(Multiculturalism is national suicide, and political correctness is the cyanide capsule.)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Just shows how local liberal governments have let their citizens down for decades.
14 posted on
01/12/2018 4:33:28 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff
While he basks in the glow of having just appointed the state’s first Muslim director of health, or whatever it’s called - I hope the guy knows something about medicine along with his other, obviously most important credential of being a Muslim.....
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Trump: Make America Great Again
Democrats: Make America A Shithole
16 posted on
01/12/2018 4:35:17 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Can we give Newark to California?
18 posted on
01/12/2018 4:39:50 PM PST by
(The dims better watch it..Trump is CRAZY!!)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Murphy lives in Middletown Township, New Jersey which is 94% white and .10% black.
He’s a real man of the people.
The white people.
20 posted on
01/12/2018 4:44:29 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Several years ago Al Gore’s Current TV, now shut down, had a program on various places we would call “Sh*t holes of the world” It showed fecal pollution, and people taking dumps in the water, wiping with their left hand, all over Asia and referred to it as “sh*t” over and over again.
Yet the news media gives Al Gore’s tv channel a pass while screaming about Trump’s true assessment of various parts of the world.
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Too bad the power didn’t go out.
23 posted on
01/12/2018 4:51:45 PM PST by
(Lock Her Up! In a Padded Cell!)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
If Newark is America...then America is a shithole.
25 posted on
01/12/2018 4:56:58 PM PST by
To: GuavaCheesePuff
"Wanna move to Indiana, Carm? It's colder than Jersey but we'll always have Chicago deep dish."
The lefturds are busy posting pictures of The Only Clean Beach In Haiti and the ocean to show that it's not a toilet ... what's wrong with these people?
29 posted on
01/12/2018 5:30:36 PM PST by
(America's founding fathers: all white armed conservatives)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
Newark. The city in NJ that most people in NJ avoid like the plague!
30 posted on
01/12/2018 5:34:15 PM PST by
(0bama. The Legacy is a lie. The lie is the Legacy.)
To: GuavaCheesePuff
America looks like Newark? We are so screwed.
31 posted on
01/12/2018 5:37:43 PM PST by
(Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. ....)
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