The real occupiers are the Arab invaders who think the land is theirs when it never was.
I bet a Democrat starting the term, occupation
“Department objected to the request, but eventually agreed to discuss the matter.”
Discuss? No. Do what you’re told to do you mutts in the State Department.
Inquiring minds want to know: Is the State department the big gator in the D.C. swamp or is it the intelligence community? Hard to say for certain but they both sure are up to their necks in runaway globalism and corruption.
the only occupation there is by the Muslims occupying parts of the Promised Land, which even their own Korans tell them belongs to the Jewish People
Friedman should continue to refer to the Muslim occupiers of Israeli territories, as a good step towards repatriating them back to their own Muslim homelands
Hilarious try at expanding the recognized borders which are definitely the UNR 181 lines.
Only 2 govts yammer on as if the 181 lines are not valid. The rest of the world always references 181 as the sole valid boundaries.
Keep talking to yourself - continue the fantasy LOL
I wish President Trump will now reassign Greenblatt and Kurtzner OUT of the mid=east, where they appear quite clearly to have zero understanding and even less smarts, imho.
It does no good to constantly stir the pot with Muslim terrorists like PLO/Abbas, nor does “meeting” with them confer any honor or respect on America.
Don’t the Palestinians understand that Diversity Is Strength?
By that definition then USA is under “occupation” by English-descended whites, which I’m sure the commie-Dems are only too happy to declare.
Look at how much they protested him, looks like they were right....he does support Israel
The government should also stop using the list that came out last week of 7 words.
I’ve forgotten all of them or I would give examples.
If occupied is viewed as prejoritive than the Iseaelis should complain. What the hell, they have occupied that part of the world for over 3,000 years whereas Europeans have only occupied North America for a little more than 400 years.
If the Israelis are “occupying Muslim lands” then so are the Spanish. And Paris is “occupied Nazi land.” In other words, preposterous.
I wish Freepers would read history....
There were Palestinian Arabs in the land known as Mandatory Palestine (post WWI and before ) for well as Jews, Christians.
The thing called war, the 1948 Israeli/Arab war and the loser doesn’t get to dictate terms.
The Palestinians and Arabs could have peace, their own state but refuse to cede they lost that war and the several that followed.
It’s bad history to claim Palestinian Arabs never existed or don’t have a history in the land.
They are just bad losers and will eventually never get what they want...
Why? The Jordanians are still occupying Palestinian territory and nobody ever talks about it!
If you'd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
Why, because you say so?
It IS all Israeli territory, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. Paid for with the blood and treasure of Countless Jews.
Israel won the entire territory fair and square historically, after they became a nation and were immediately attacked by the Koranimals.
Your self-serving (?) attitude is reminiscent of historical morons claiming most of the American West should be returned to Spain or Mexico, after Spain/Mexico lost the war with the U.S.
Check out the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo...
"Mulligans" are only allowed in golf. And then only by mutual agreement.
The world is not run by loser nations, nor by primitive savages. Losers lose.
Pick any advanced nation on earth and how it became and remained a nation. Or study the ones which committed cultural suicide. Or observe the ones currently in the process of becoming losers. We have one of those along our northern border. Pity. They used to be friends and staunch allies.
There was a war. Israel won. Is North America under occupation? (These people would say yes). Mexico? Scotland? Anatolia? North Africa? Hungary? Macedonia? Kosovo? Tibet? Australia? Kamchatka? All of South America?
All are lands taken by force and occupied by the winners. Why is Israel’s small win the only one that gets questioned?
Does anyone think that Palestinian Arabs should have the right to vote for the government that controls them?
Like we Americans do?