Then where is your analysis and diagnosis of my fallacies? You've chosen to dismiss mine, both formal and informal, as "insult," much as a thief resents that title when caught.
Thus far, you've offered no more substantive reply than various derivatives of "nuh un," "I know you are, but what am I," and "you think you're so 'x,' but you're not."
Do you honestly not see how badly you're being slapped around, and is that preferable to learning to refine your thinking? After all, that's what we old timers originally came here for; to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women ;-). We didn't come here to have others marvel at our sagacious pontifications. We wanted to learn how to fight and win against our ideological adversaries in the real world, not salve the boo-boos of petulant, inept, allies.
I'm not here to analyze alleged fallacies -- i.e., "oh, that's a red herring, this is a straw man, and there's an excluded middle, here you appeal to a stone, and there are both a broken window and vacuous truth" -- although I "get" that some people would rather deal in such matters than in actual content of discussion.
I'm more interested in the actual topic, which in this case was your claim, in effect, that police like to "mess with" suspects.
I disagree and in response you have attacked my reasoning and insulted my character.
Surely, as an expert in logical fallacies, you can name your own categories, and would correct them if you actually cared.
papertyger: "Do you honestly not see how badly you're being slapped around, and is that preferable to learning to refine your thinking?"
It has always astonished me how trolls like yourself so often do their little end-zone victory dance, in their own end-zone!
You've been pushed back to your own two-yard line, you take the snap from center and immediately start dancing around yelling, "I scored, I scored!!" when you've actually done nothing, and gone nowhere.
I don't know what the name of that behavior is, but am pretty sure it's in the opening chapter of the Troll Handbook, because they all do it!
papertyger: " After all, that's what we old timers originally came here for; to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women ;-)."
But there are virtually no liberals, progressives or Leftists on Free Republic, such people as would surely deserve your warrior-like spirit.
Instead, they're pretty much all conservatives with most differences equivalent to differences amongst, for example, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Congregationalists, Evangelicals, etc.
Whatever differences we all, so to speak, read the same Bible and when the Leftist Muzzies come to burn Christians at the stake, they won't care a whit for such differences of opinion.
Neither will our Lord.
papertyger: "We wanted to learn how to fight and win against our ideological adversaries in the real world, not salve the boo-boos of petulant, inept, allies."
And you intend to fight the Left by beating up on your own brothers & sisters in arms?
Speaking of which, this discussion began over alleged police misbehavior.
So which side is it -- left or conservative -- that for years now has assaulted police both verbally and physically?
And which side of that are you on, FRiend?