I lest not forget. I( am addressing Trump and his primary run and people who wonder why some repubs don’t support him.
This POTUS beat and won over 16 other candidates in the Primaries..so he gave them nick names...So did GWB hand out nick names...DOES ‘TURD BLOSSOM’ come to your memory bank? Jeb Bush was spending money like a drunken Sailor, and not on his campaign, but to destroy DJT ...jeb was insanely jealous. and he lost early in the game..
I voted and supported Republicans all my voting years, 57 years...and DJT won with me because he was NOT a Professional, Lying, Politician. and he has done FANTASTIC almost totally on his own, and he will get our vote again, if he decides to make a second run..
YOU more than likely are a NEVER TRUMPER, (GOPe) bet you would vote for Bill Krystal, right? That group of haters have their pink panties in a twist with the liberal, lying Democrats...
OK.off my Rant...as for John McCain..’You do reap what you sow” and he is sadly reaping.. May it end quickly for him and his family..