Why talk to the FBI? Just dont. What did Flynn have to gain by talking? Say what you want about any LEO but the one thing we should all agree on is that they are experts at setting people up to lie and then catching them lie. Never talk.
That’s the only solution.
That’s right. There was even opinion printed prior that he was walking into a perjury trap. WTF, maybe its better because the stupidity and arrogance is appalling.
If I ever have to meet up with the FBI it’s going be: “would you like a glass of water”, with me responding “Lawyer”.
Dunno where I read it, but the FBI called in a guy for a deposition. He brought a tape recorder with him. When asked why, he said that anything said to the FBI steno was considered Holy Writ, and if a statement made later on in court didn't jibe EXACTLY with the FBI's account, he was toast.
They told him he couldn't turn the recorder on. He said he wouldn't talk without the conversation being taped. They cancelled the interview.