Nobody agreed with me though. Well 5% did. LOL
77% of the poll takers agreed with my take on things. That's not bad considering. Folks seemed fairly savvy on some folks. On others, wow...
Hillary was getting a big goose-egg, and other prominent Leftists media and otherwise were too.
So who did folks most back for the Person of the year?
Here was the number one choice, Emma Stone. She got something like 90% (or more). LOL. I guess she's getting a lot of the 14 year old blind hair on their palms vote, from bedrooms across America.
As for person of the year? Seriously? LOL
Okay she is a pretty woman in some shots. Can't deny that.
Bannon would be good too, but a far distant 2nd compared to Trump. Emma Stone? I have to admit my first response was, “Who’s that?” I don’t do movies much, so didn’t know her.
To me the Person of the Year is who has made the biggest contribution to mankind, the US, the world - a real game changer type of person. Some actress. . not so much, I don’t care how good she is.