Bovine ecrement. If you have been “over it and over it”, you know that this has no to very little effect on the average wageearner.
It DOES effect high wage earners, and more importantly BIG SPENDERS in HIGH TAX states.
Try using an ancient, magical concept that was considered racist for the last decade, called...
It will never lie to you, and it will always give you the correct answer.
Oh, and the evil SALT deductions you hate so much? Both the House and Senate bills allow the corporations to keep those full deductions. The "math" works out that in order to give away the store to the GOP donors and corporations, we screw the middle class.
Got it. Gee, thanks a lot.
Low wage earners get the misnamed "earned income tax rebate".
"HIGH" wage earners, in todays's proposed Bills, get NAILED TO A CROSS, with pilfered pockets.
And it's NOT just's also lots and lots and LOTS of middle class people who live all over this nation; not only high state tax ones.
“Bovine ecrement. If you have been over it and over it, you know that this has no to very little effect on the average wageearner. It DOES effect high wage earners, and more importantly BIG SPENDERS in HIGH TAX states.
Try using an ancient, magical concept that was considered racist for the last decade, called...MATH...It will never lie to you, and it will always give you the correct answer.”
i don’t know your income situation nor who taught you math, but i know as a middle class taxpayer and a former member of a math honor society, that either of these tax bills are bad news for the average taxpayer.
and if you are so sure of your “MATH,” why don’t you make us a nothing to lose offer to pay all of us victims of this tax cut the extra money we will be sending to the IRS if either plan becomes law?
and if you are right and we are wrong, you can have the self satisfaction of telling us: i told you so.