Forbes or McCain couldn’t have beaten Gore and Lieberman in 2000, but it is what it is.
I just saw Steve Forbes being interviewed on (of all things) PBS. Even at hos age, he was very astute and interesting.
McCain would have been a disaster (and still is!).
Maybe not but at least Steve Forbes has a working brain. W was a disaster for the USA. W legacy is Obama and a Middle East in ciaos.
Most people were sure a Black Marxist couldn't win in 2008 nor an Orange reality star in 2016. Sometimes you just have to give it a shot.
McCain would have been even worse than Bush on just about every count. Forbes would have been far better than either, but smart man though he is, he'd manage to make even Al Gore seem animated and charismatic by comparison. The only other choices in the GOP primary were Gary Bauer and Alan Keyes, both of whom seemed to think they were running for preacher rather than President.
It's as though the party intentionally picked an unelectable crop for the primaries so that we'd get stuck with the Bush heir to the throne, with McCain as a pinch-hitter. They tried to do the same with Jeb in 2016, and would have probably succeeded if it weren't for Trump. If nothing else, Americans owe Trump a huge debt of gratitude for standing in the way of two people (Bush and Clinton) who felt that their names alone entitled them to the highest office in the land.